Skipped my period this cycle possibly because of a chemical pregnancy. I'm taking OPKs just to see if/when I'm ovulating so hubby and I can start TTC. Do these look positive?
Based on when I should have gotten my period...I should be ovulating within the next few days. So it makes sense that they're getting darker but I've been reading that if I didn't get my period, it means I won't ovulate?
Not necessarily. It means you wouldn't have ovulated last cycle since you didn't have a period. After my last chemical, I had stark white negative opks for 47 days before I finally started AF so the fact that you have something of a line is a good sign. You might have a late ovulation this cycle because the chemical could have thrown your hormones a bit out of whack. Good luck!
Yeah I agree with lmc. You can get a period without ovulating but you'll always get a period of you do ovulate.
With my 7 yr old- I went 100 days with no period and got pregnant.
Thanks ladies. That makes me feel better about this lol. Right right now I'm just tracking to see if I am ovulating and then we'll probably start thinking about TTC in February/march.
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