Hi ladies
Would appreciate some advice, or just want to get this off my chest really.
Apologies if this is a bit long winded and tmi in some places but its my first post!
I had a missed miscarriage early October last year and had some bleeding in November. I wouldnt call it a period as it was only light spotting for 2-3 days and I usually get heavy periods which last about a week. Also I am really irregular too!
I didnt have any bleeding in December at all, but on 4th Jan I got my first proper period since the MMC. Hubby and I did the deed on 11th Jan just after period ended. We have been avoiding doing it before I had my period as I wanted my body to get back to normal first.
Fast forward to this week and I have had some brown spotting over the last 2 days with some small clots I was a bit worried that I was bleeding again so soon after my period so did a pregnancy test which came out as positive showing 1-2 weeks.
Ive just been to the doctor who thinks that I am not pregnant as its too early to detect especially as my period was only 2 weeks ago and the test was too sensitive. He thinks my hormones may not have regulated since the MMC. But seeing as I have had a proper period I dont think the test should have shown as positive now?
The GP recommends that I wait til when my next period would have been due (early Feb) before testing again as its too early to do anything now such as hormone/blood tests!
So at the moment I am really confused.. Am I pregnant or not? And should I be worried, seeing as since I came back from GP the flow is now red and more clotty?
I dont know how I am going to get through the next few weeks. It will be heartbreaking if I have to go through it all again, although I think I have already resigned myself to the fact.
Would appreciate some advice, or just want to get this off my chest really.
Apologies if this is a bit long winded and tmi in some places but its my first post!
I had a missed miscarriage early October last year and had some bleeding in November. I wouldnt call it a period as it was only light spotting for 2-3 days and I usually get heavy periods which last about a week. Also I am really irregular too!
I didnt have any bleeding in December at all, but on 4th Jan I got my first proper period since the MMC. Hubby and I did the deed on 11th Jan just after period ended. We have been avoiding doing it before I had my period as I wanted my body to get back to normal first.
Fast forward to this week and I have had some brown spotting over the last 2 days with some small clots I was a bit worried that I was bleeding again so soon after my period so did a pregnancy test which came out as positive showing 1-2 weeks.
Ive just been to the doctor who thinks that I am not pregnant as its too early to detect especially as my period was only 2 weeks ago and the test was too sensitive. He thinks my hormones may not have regulated since the MMC. But seeing as I have had a proper period I dont think the test should have shown as positive now?
The GP recommends that I wait til when my next period would have been due (early Feb) before testing again as its too early to do anything now such as hormone/blood tests!
So at the moment I am really confused.. Am I pregnant or not? And should I be worried, seeing as since I came back from GP the flow is now red and more clotty?
I dont know how I am going to get through the next few weeks. It will be heartbreaking if I have to go through it all again, although I think I have already resigned myself to the fact.