November 2013 Babies!

Missjenn- I had a mole on my back with DS and while I was pregnant it changed shape and colour and also was kind of fluid filled after DS was born. The top layer came off and I had it cut out and tested but everything came back fine. The Dr said that sometimes the hormones fluctuating can have an effect on different parts of your skin.

ASM- I have been told by countless people over the last 4 days how much I have dropped. (sorry Missjenn I know you are waiting, but this is my second so more likely to be sooner) Baby is so low I keep getting these pains in my vagina, and I can not move or walk while its happening. Also today I have been having period pain all day. goes and comes back etc. but cervix still very high and back AND I am also only 35 weeks. Have A Dr appointment Wednesday but If it gets worse I will head to L&D.
Thanks ladies for the suggestions. I am trying to relax, but it's hard. The bleeding has slowed. It continued through yesterday with brown spotting and is lighter today.

I am still getting ready for baby's early arrival though. I was doing research and what I came up with is that it could be nothing or it could be the start of labor. But it also said, labor could begin even 2 weeks. I am hoping on the later dates.

Missjenn- I'm sorry you're sick! I hope you get better really soon.
As for work, I was a full time student. Two years ago I had decided to go back to school full force, but had to drop out last spring due to heavy bleeding and bedrest in the beginning of the pregnancy. I hope things get started for you soon. Are you bouncing on a ball? That's all I can think of to help the baby drop. There are a few movements like getting on all fours in cat position and rocking the hips back and forth to help too.

Alchemist- you can vaginally insert the epo or you can take it orally. Vaginally is far more effective since it will be absorbed directly to the cervix and uterus. It's great you have gotten a ton of stuff from people. I have only what I've bought. MIL has bought a few outfits and diapers, which is nice of her. I totally feel you on the insomnia thing. I have been able to sleep only short periods because when I wake up to go to the restroom I can't get back to sleep. I get up every hour or so day or night.

I decided to go ahead and buy the crib mattress just in case and nail clippers as I haven;t gotten them yet on Wednesday when we get paid. My bags are packed. I got baby's bag packed as well. OH's bag is still not packed, lol, but we know what we are going to put in there. I really hope we can afford to get all the layaway off this week.

I haven't heard from mama either. I hope she and the babies are doing well.
As for sex, no way in heck am I even attempting sex. Tht would be a dumb decision lol.

Oh and missjenn, I had a mole on my neck that got bigger it even started to open up and discharge came out of it. It was gross and it hurt for some reason. I had the mole all my life. just fell off. Weirdest thing ever.
Wow lots to read..

Mama i hope you and the twins are getting on ok!!

Missjenn im sorry your sick, i had th flu jad and whooping caugh vaccine 2-3 days ago and its made me feel crap! Bleurgh

alchemist- i was inserting and taking orally but i think its given me thrush when i stopped fr few days.. I used it internally with my second so maybe its just a coinkydink? Who knows?? Lol

whit- i agree sex in ur position prob wouldnt be a great idea lol.. Me and my other half hav dtd a lot since coming out of hospital and (sorry tmi) when he finishes he makes sure hes in as deep as i cn hav and after iv been getting period type cramps?? Do u think it could b doibg something? Hope u make few more weeks hun x

i keep dropping then he comes bk out again its very frustrating but thers not much i can do about it hopefully i can buy my birthing ball today funds permitting lol.
Since i had my complete meltdown iv been feeling so serene my oh took kids out yesterday and i stayd in on fb here and then slept all afternoon! Was lush lol. Had trouble sleeping last night though lol kinda to b expected after how long i slept.

Hope your all well xx
Cat, glad you're feeling better. Semen has prostaglandins, so sex is probably helping soften the cervix and if you orgasm, well that makes your uterus contracts, which may help you dilate. So sex is a good tool to help induce labor, but there are no guarantees. Are you still inserting epo as well? Have you been walking?

I keep getting what I would think are weird period type pains. I've never had menstrual cramps, so I am confused on how it feels. It isn't something timeable, it happens maybe once an hour. The bleeding has almost stopped. Just getting brown spotting on toilet paper when I wipe now, but I could wipe a few times and it'll still be there (TMI sorry). Sometimes it's a bit mucusy as well. That's the confusing discharge (TMI AGAIN! SORRY!).

34 weeks today. I'm officially at another milestone. If baby is born this week, he probably won't need a huge nicu stay. I don't want him here yet obviously, but it's comforting to at least know that. I'm hoping with precautions and such that I can last until at least 36 weeks. Hoping and praying for 39.
We're all getting so close!!

Whit - I really pray your baby holds off for a few weeks more at least. Snuggle down in your bed and make the most of the downtime!!
It sounds like your bags are all ready. Someone recommended to me that I take some bendy straws as depending what position you're in for labour it's easier to drink with them.

Sounds like lots of people are starting to get signs of labour being imminent.
I'm not quite ready yet! Lol!

I'm 37 weeks today so am now officially full-term!! Eek!!
Want- I totally understand how you feel about work. My last day is Nov 1. I kind of want the baby to come early so I can stop working and the other part of me is like....eeeeeh Im not ready lol. I hate going to work, I could cry.

Nariah- Congrats on moving. TAKE IT EASY!!!! Hopefully you find a doc and hospital you like soon :)

Whitt- Glad youre home and your LO is still cooking. How uncomfortable are you being effaced and dilated? Im just wondering because I have a lot of pressure and Im uncomfortable last check wasnt effaced or dilated. FX crossed you can bake your baby a bit longer :hugs:

Alchemist- sorry youre so tired! Not sleeping is the worst. And thats all people keep telling me....'get your sleep now' I want to punch the next person who says that. Im not sleeping great now either. Its hard getting comfortable and clearing my head enough to actually sleep :( Hopefully we'll both get some rest before our LOs get here.

MissJenn- I cannot believe you can still walk 3.5K!!! Thats a little over 2 miles, if my conversions are correct. Im waddling about a mile every few days and hoping its enough to help lol. I cant believe how much harder it is than I expected. The pressure is crazy. Good for you. And in terms of your personal experience, but I have read that hormones can change things like that. Im sure your drs will take good care of you. Try not to worry :hugs:

Cat- Sorry youre having such a hard time. Sometimes I get envious too. Im soooo ready to be done. But we cant be pregnant forever. Baby will come out and we're so close.

AFM- Not too much to report. Everyone keeps asking me how I am...I just reply 'still pregnant' now. Im huge and uncomfortable and I want to be sleeping instead of working :( and Im complaining a lot to OH, which he told me bothers him...sooooo no more of that. When he said it I wanted to punch him, but hes right and hes stressed too.

Im pretty sure I was nesting yesterday, no idea where the energry came from. I got up early, went for a longer than normal walk (1.5 miles) came home, did laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed the whole house, mopped the floor and made cookies. By 2PM I was so exhausted and sore. It was soooooo dumb and Im really feeling the pain today.

Ive still got intense period like cramping that comes and goes and a lot of pressure but other than that, no increase in discharge or anything. OH and I had sex last night :sex: so Im hoping maaaaybe that will speed things up, but Im doubtful. Im not back at the doctor until Wednesday, so we'll see how that goes.

And a random rant: OHs mom is yet again driving me up a wall. We stopped by Saturday and shes always going on and on about hurrying the baby out and it really bothers me. Like...I want him out too, but Id rather have him healthy. Which is what I told her....OH shot me a look that couldve killed, but I dont care anymore. And she keeps saying HER baby. UUUUGGHGHGHGH And THEN, on top of ALL that, knowing Id been in the accident a few weeks ago she walks up to me, without asking and start pushing on my stomach trying to feel the baby!!! I swatted her away....I felt a little bad, but MY GOD! I told her, Im still sore...if the baby is moving Ill let you know. She just stood there shocked....I just dont understand some people. Thats so rude to walk up to someone and just touch them. :wacko: Anyway, thats all for now lol. Hope you all are doing well
Rockin- I'm fine when lying down, but the moment I stand I feel like I need to spread my legs apart and waddle, lol. It's a lot of pressure, which is normal. However, the thing that has changed is the stinging pain. I call it the stabby stabby pain. It's sharp, right on the cervix, and happens the entire time while standing. I told my OH that perhaps that's when I am shortening as I don't stand too often right now. It had been happening since about week thirty. So, it could explain it somewhat, maybe? Otherwise, it's just a ton of pressure. He is constantly on my bladder and when my bladder is full I can barely walk. My OH laughs at me because I walk by swinging my legs out now. I don't think it's normal to feel like I need to do that to ease the pressure and pain just to get to the bathroom, lol. It makes me appreciate the times I can just get up and walk normally (well, waddle).

I complain a lot to my OH. I just have so many problems and literally no one I feel comfortable enough to talk to in my daily life. He takes it like a champ.

As for your MIL-I'd HATE it if someone came up to me and just touched me. No one has attempted that to me yet, just OH, but that is obviously different. Then again I am not near anyone ever. Just MIL and FIL and both know not to do that to me. I bet if my mom has seen me she would do it. I haven't seen her since 4 months though.

Hopefully the process is getting started for you. Sex is a great way to help soften the cervix. Period pains just help with the body's preperations for impending labor. It sounds like your body is doing what it needs to do in order to get ready. Hopefully they give you some good news Wednesday. My doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I don't know if she'll check me or not because I've been bleeding. I was still only a 1 Friday, so I don't know if I could have changed much in the meantime.
You ladies are already feeling things while I'm not! And that's not faaaaiiirrrr! Lol. The closest thing I've felt is just those sharp cervical painswhen he's pushing on it. I HAVE been noticing stringy mucous things coming out, and I put that down to losing a little plug here and there. I just don't want to go overdue, sigh...

Well, I managed to sleep last night. OH didn't, said he kept waking up like 5 times just to go pee. Welcome to my life, man. And serves you right. That's a little payback for sleeping in yesterday morning! Thanks, nature.

Well, I have my 34 week appmt today. Dunno what's in store. But I hope my dr will agree to do an internal check just to see how low (or high) my cervix is. Some dr's don't want to check.
36 weeks for me today! We are going to the doctor this afternoon for a quick ultra sound. And we start weekly appointments until the little girl arrives!!

I once in a great while have pain pressing down. Especially when I am on my feet for long periods of time. I am still highly active but on Saturday I looked at OH and said okay lots of pain at this point we have to find somewhere to sit for a while.

Saturday night into Sunday worst HEARTBURN of my life. And I am on prescription medication all the time for it. Only got about 3 hours or so of sleep. Going to talk to the Dr. about that today. But I learned A LOT googling! I found out I shouldn't be taking Tums at night when I have just a little heartburn. It will actually make the heartburn come back WORSE in a few hours (which is what was going on Saturday). That my best bet it to get up and actually eat a little something to try and push some of that acid through my system.

Rockin - My God Son was born 2 years ago and his biological Aunt showed up and kept asking where her boy was. The mother was perfectly okay with it but it bothered me to NO end. She already had 2 nieces that she paid no attention to but because this was a baby boy it was "hers". She kept taking the baby from people and saying "my baby" I finally had enough and took Jeremy from her and said as I took the baby that until she carried a baby and had the stretch marks to prove it, that it was her NEPHEW not her baby and that the baby wanted his mom and handed him back to the mother.

I don't know why that simple phrase bothers me but the only person that a baby belongs to is his/her parents. Other then that it is a grandchild, niece/nephew, etc. Don't say "my baby".

Whit - You sound ready. You have all of the basics and there are so many things that we add that we don't really "need". Your ready just try and stay happy and healthy as things move forward!
I'm still reading just don't feel like I have much to contribute :shrug: everything is going well for me. My hip pain is horrible by the end of my four hour work shift and I can't take my dog for a walk anymore which makes me sad but only a few weeks left.

I haven't dropped either but lots of people don't until they go into labour so not worried about it. Also having no pressure or contractions...I don't think it means anything since many people suddenly go into labour with no previous signs. Packed my hospital bag yesterday and baby has decided that it doesn't like my left rib being in it's space so likes to push on it when I'm sitting which is really uncomfortable :haha:

Sorry everyone seems to be having such a hard time :hugs:
Thanks trying to not think about the mole thing...just hoping it is nothing.

Im surprised that sex can still happen at 38 weeks and with the babies head being felt by the doctor at 1cm in I honestly thought it would feel different...but nope...slapped on a little olive oil and all was well :).

Ah, i didnt realize you were a thats can pretty much go back when you are ready. Is it a course you could take online by any chance...instead of having to go to class?

No worries on the droppage...Im glad someone is :) maybe I will be one of those who dont until labor...who knows!

A very cool thing happened today though...Lost my mucus my husband to come see it blood though....should there have been some? no contractions nothings....just the same old insane pressure down there! We will sex it up tonight...see if baby will come!

13 times to pee....frig eh...and the sucky part is....well for me...its always just a tiny bit but still a crazy need to go!

oh mother in funny...I can actually picture your mother in law standing there looking at you when you shook her away...hahaha...sometimes we just dont want to be touched!
My ohs sis is like that crazes me totally! My baby i feel like saying no bitch back the fuck off. Seems harsh but anything in th limelight shes there oo and now shes pregnant im so glad we are looking to move back nearer my family his just make me want to scream and that was before i was pregnant lol!!

I have literally noone to moan too so i hav to realise it to my oh. I think he just nods and agrees most the time lol!!

I feel you on the heartburn and no sleep was a nightmare last night. I take gaviscon for my heartburn and it helps but two mins later i really need a drink dilema or what?? Lol xx
In law stories are so funny lol. Ugh...I remember when I first had my dd, mil would always be there to tell me how to do this and why do I do that. Give me a break, lady. I'm new. Stop preaching. I appreciate the help but you're a liiittle too pushy about the help. And I hate that about people. They wanna help but they come across so pushy about their advice. That's how mil is and OH is the saaaame way. Hopefully, this time around, she won't come around to watch me like a hawk.

Okay so. Just got home from my 34w appmt and all's well with me and baby boy. Only thing is he's breech! I know I have until 36-37w to worry about him being breech but dammit, I'll be damned if he is breech all the way. Dr said if he's still breech by then, he will try to maneuver him to turn. Meanwhile, I gotta get to bouncing on my ball to help him turn.

Also. Dr checked me. I asked him to because of the intense pressure. Gawd...he stuck his 2 fingers in and that shit hurts! Wtf! Anyway, he said cervix is closed and it's posterior. I didn't even ask him if that's good or bad if the cervix is posterior. Do you ladies know?

Other than that, things are fine. Just worried about baby boy's position. I am too afraid of a section tbh!
MissJenn, you can lose your mucus plug weeks before delivery. It doesn't HAVE to have blood in it. I lost most of mine between the 29th and the 3rd and it was all clear (I am guessing the whole thing didn't come out cuz what I'm about to say). I lost more mucus plug today I think, but it was just a piece about the size of a tootsie roll (not as thick) it looked like, it had a string of dark red blood in the middle of it. The rest was clear. :dohh: However, if you lost all of it, it could mean labor is just around the corner. Now you are waiting for your bloody show or contractions or both to start. Bounce on a ball, have that sex, go go go. It shouldn't be too long now.

As for school, I have a learning disability so taking classes online is REALLY hard for me. I don't ever finish those courses because I need that in classroom instruction. I am only one class away from my A.A. though. So it might be something I will look into. I have three classes I have to finish from when I dropped out in spring. I took incompletes and MUST make them up by this spring. It's only 8 weeks of two day a week classes though and one is a gym class because you have to take it for your A.A. degree here. At least I'll be forced into exercise, lol. After I get my A.A. I have to apply to the University again. I was accepted and then found out I was pregnant and would be delivering in the middle first semester there. They don't do spring admissions, so I was tough out of luck. Oh well, I get a beautiful baby boy out of it, right? I'll make my way back soon. I just have to wait for admissions to open up again, but that's next year since this year I can't get in with the classes I still have to take since I'm not currently 'enrolled' in them. So, next year in fall I'll apply, should get in, and I'll start the next fall. That gives me tons and tons of time to take care of baby at home and I can take pleasure courses in the meantime so I don't lose my classroom knowhow, if that makes sense. Sorry for the long explanation!

Luna, it's great that you feel okay! You can chime in with that, lol. Or if you have anything going on. I like responding, obviously. Since I'm on bed rest I have nothing to do except watch Netflix, worry about every twinge of pain, and read and respond to posts. Which explains why I write a ton now and post several times a day, lol. Before I skipped a few days often. Glad your bags are packed. It is just one less thing to worry about, right? Every time I get one thing done, I feel a huge relief. Then it's off to the next thing. I plan to pack OH's bag tonight. Whether he wants to or not :haha:

Oh the heartburn. I have it right now actually. I made the mistake of eating a sloppy joe because, well, I like sloppy joes and I KNEW it would give me heartburn. I was going to take tums, but then I fell asleep for a 2 hour nap. Just woke up with the hb and it's horrible. Yuck. I really should stop eating things I know are going to hurt me. Funny thing is, spicy chicken sandwiches STILL don't give me heartburn and a TON of things give it to me, even waffles. I have no explanation.
What exactly does breech mean anyway....that he is not head down yet? With your first pregnancy was she breech at any point?

My internal exam hurt like hell too....I was in tears and actually making wolf sounds...jesus....I dont want another one of those...I hope they wont do it at my 38 week appointment this week! I assume they only check at 37 weeks?

I didnt know you could do things to change the babies's freaky that they can reach in and try and move them!
Alchemist, we were writing at the same time it seems.

Go to it! It gives some positions to do to turn him. More than just bouncing on the ball.

Wasn't your baby JUST heads down like two weeks ago? What a little rascal. They usually stay head down once they are that way. Sigh...hopefully he will cooperate.

A posterior cervix is in the back. You want it to be pulled anterior for labor. Mine is still fairly posterior, but a lot of women don't have their cervix come to the front until labor. So it's one of those up in the air type of things.
What is A.A anyway? Arts and academics?

I keep forgetting about the bed must be going insane.

Tomorrow would be my first day back to work after the long weekend but i am officially on maternity leave now....its going to be so weird being home all is my birthday but i have a contractor coming in for the entire day to fix a mold issue in our bathroom...more money we dont have...bleh...but it needs to get done.

If you have netflix you should totally check out breaking bad if you havent followed it...awesome series!!!!

My mucus plug...couldnt really tell if it was it as this is my first but I never had it before and when i google it...thats what it looks like. Like a big booger 15 or 20 X the normal and super was still think with my luck it will be a couple more weeks but I want to go now!
Missjenn - yep, breech means heads up. My dd was heads down from 30 weeks and stayed that way. But this little boy wants to play and flip around! No wonder I haven't had any rib kicks or nudges.

He WAS heads down a couple of weeks ago! I'm so gutted! Whittnie, I'll be looking at that site more thoroughly but i gotta wait until later tonight after dd goes to bed. I'm so sad....and worried. I really really want my natural birth again uggggh....

I'm gonna go eat some cookies and milk.
awwww....I really hope he turns for you....i did read somewhere that there is 50% chance the doctor can turn the baby if stays breech...hopefully he turns in the next few weeks.

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