Hi everyone, just wondered if I can join you?
I just had my 12 week scan on Tues, and I am due Nov 25th
Welcome to the forum! I am due November 24th. Lots of Thanksgiving babies in the house!
Aw I want to feel baby
I thought i might have felt something the other day but I'm pretty sure it was just gas
That is too funny! It's so weird how the ultrasounds show our babies doing backflips but we're not feeling a thing. Don't worry -- we will feel our little ones soon enough.
I was wondering if I could gatecrash please? I had my 12 wk scan last Friday and I'm due 24th
Welcome to the forum and congrats on the new addition to your family. We are due on the same day!
How is the pregnancy going for you so far?
Can't wait to get a bit further along though and hopefully start feeling fabulous!!
Amen to that! My nausea has gone away for the most part but I still have the energy levels of an oaf! Definitely looking forward to enjoying that second trimester.
I dont get a picture either until 20 weeks! And they don't do regular ultra sounds here. I get one at 20 weeks and thats it for the entire pregnancy! That is going to be a long 20 weeks!
Sorry to hear that, but I am curious to know...What do they usually do during your prenatal visits? My prenatal visits always include an ultrasound (once or more monthly) so I was just wondering. May I also ask where you are located -- is it your insurance that determines the non-regular ultrasounds or your location?