That must have been scary! When i saw a pink tinge (not blood) I went to the ER and they did the blood test and US. I was 5 weeks and 3 days and the heart beat was 114 and HCG count was 22,000. But, I had one of those trans-vaginal ones done and I think those can pick up the heart beat before a regular ultra sound.
If you hadnt had anything since I would think you're the previous post...maybe your fall just shifted your uterus or something...have you had any cramping at all? If not then im sure its fine. My dr said to be concerned if there was another show with cramping.
If you hadnt had anything since I would think you're the previous post...maybe your fall just shifted your uterus or something...have you had any cramping at all? If not then im sure its fine. My dr said to be concerned if there was another show with cramping.