Once I was pregnant and started doing research I knew I wanted to try and have as natural a birth as possible. I always kept in mind that I may need drugs for medical reasons and that was fine.
I also didn't like the idea of not being able to love around or not feel my legs etc, and I know people whose epidurals had gone wrong and one side of their body went numb instead of lower half which really freaked me out.
I also read that having an epidural can slow the labour process down considerably because you're numb. And I really didn't want a catheter.
I also wanted my recovery to be as quick as possible and I think generally having drugs in your system slows that process down.
A lady I worked with had 3 kids, the first she had a drug called pethedine and whilst it was just supposed to help with the pain she had a bad reaction and basically cannot remember the entire labour process. Her first memory is from hours after her daughter was born and she said that is her one major regret in life as she has no memory of her first child being born. That totally freaked me out! With her other two children she had natural labours.
My friend in California had an epidural her first time and said it was fantastic, then with her second by the time she arrived at hospital they said there was no time for an epidural, she was totally freaked as she hasn't planned for a natural labour. Immediately after the birth she said she'd definetly have an epidural for her third. But a week later she changed her mind and said her third would be natural as well, her reasons being her recovery was so much quicker and that the baby was more alert and so took to breastfeeding much more easily. Her third is due in October and she's planning on going natural.
After I read about the physiology of labour and how your pelvis is trying to open And that lying on a bed is physically hindering that process I knew I wanted to be able to move around etc. so for me it was an easy decision.
My labour progressed more quickly than the midwives expected and it was only when they insisted I lay on the bed to push that things slowed down. I ended up with forceps and they had to cut me.
But despite them taking an hour to stitch me back up within 2 hours I was walking around the hospital and had no problems with my recovery at all. I really think getting up immediately and moving around helped me heal.
At the end of the day each labour is totally different and there is no right or wrong way to do it. The above is my personal opinion and it works for me. But everywoman feels differently about labour and delivery and its about going what's right for you.
I think as long as we all do our research and understand the choices and what they all mean etc then as long as the baby is delivered safetly that's all that matters at the end of the day.
Incidentally that's what my birth plan said "I'd like a delivery as natural as possible. But will do whatever is necessary to ensure my baby is delivered safely"