***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Just got back from my 20 week scan, was worried all morning that there was something wrong as I havent felt him move yet, but everything fine. Have an anterior placenta which apparantly explains the fact I cant feel anything yet.
Got a couple more pictures of him waving.


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i am so upset right now.

i had my 20 week scan today and i get a phone call TWO hours before hand that i have to cancel because they want me to get a level 2 scan. it's just with a specialist because i take a medicine for anxiety. but the reason i am so upset is because i see the same midwife every single time.. she knows very well i take the medicine.. she booked the ultrasound with me 5 weeks ago.. and i saw her this monday and she asked me again when my ultrasound was and who it was with. I know for a fact she now asked those questions because she probably wanted me to change to level 2 and noticed her mistake but she obviously knows i was looking forward to it this week etc. so she didnt tell me in my appointment (basically chickened out i feel). i dont like her, so thankfully i am getting a dr starting at my next appointment. funny thing is i almost brought it up myself but i figured SHE WOULD if she was going to change it. i didnt expect her to wait until after i walked out the room!

either way, drs and midwives HAVE TO KNOW THAT WE LOOK FORWARD TO ULTRASOUNDS!! we obsess, we count down the days, it consumes our minds!! to tell me and my husband 2 hours before, when the girl probably knew over a month ago that i would be going to level 2 anyways is terrible.

i cried so hard from anger.. i mean way to mess with a pregnant lady!

so level 2 ultrasounds are only done on tuesdays and they are pretty well booked in advance so i'm guessing i will be waiting atleast 2 more weeks but probably more like 3.

Awww wishful, that sucks! It is pretty insensitive to cancel the day of, definitely an oversight on their part.

I hope the level 2 means more detailed and more time looking at baby? Also...at least it is more spread out now so that you won't have to go as long without one afterwards? I don't know...just trying to find silver lining :hugs:
Last pregnancy we took a class called "Birthing From Within" It was wonderful. It was private and we paid a bit for it but it was so worth it. I also read a lot including Hypnobirthing. The book is worth the read if you are interested in a non-medicated birth.This time we won't be taking any classes. As much as I would love to we just don't have time with my DH's crazy work schedule and my very busy toddler whom I don't like to leave.

6 sleeps until my 20 week scan. Pretty darn excited to see this baby especially since I don't feel movements yet!
i was trying to stay positive but it isnt going to happen today haha.. i am too upset.
aww wishful - you have every right to be upset! I'd be fuming as would my OH who probably requested the day off to come with me etc.

Who was talking aout pain relief? I'm opting (for the same as the last two lol) - g&a, pethidine, clary sage oil and if I can manage it the birthing ball :) I would like to try a water birth but the faffing about getting in and out would annoy me :haha:

I have my 20 week scan on the 26th June - I'll be 21 weeks and 1 day :)
I'm so sorry wishful, that is just horrible. Why in the heck would she do that knowing what she knew!
oh, wishful... I am so sorry to hear about that. I would be upset under normal circumstances, so I can only imagine how you feel considering the anxiety you mentioned. Try to stay positive (although I know it can be difficult). :hugs:

As for hypnobirthing - considering I am 100% on board with an epidural, I don't think this is something I'll be looking into. I'm sure I'll take some sort of child birth class, especially since this is my first. Just need to find out what's offered.
wishful - sorry about your u/s! What an awful thing for her to do. I hope you're able to get in sooner than later!

Sal - congrats! Beautiful baby!

daddiesgift - I wanted to go natural last time, but because of being induced, it didn't happen. This time, dh told me he wants me to get an epidural from the get-go because he didn't like seeing me in so much pain. Awwww. As much as I've always wanted a natural birth, I'm thinking pain free and sleeping through labor? Sounds good to me!

Mrs - with my first, my doctor told me of a class the hospital offered. I don't remember how far along I was at the time, but I remember not having to worry at all about when and where to take a class because my doc told me everything I needed to know. So ask your doc at your next appointment and s/he'll probably have a recommendation for you.

I can't believe so many of us are at the 1/2 way point!! :wacko: My 20 week scan is at 20+2 on the 25th. I'm not as anxious for this one as my last few, probably because I know the gender already. It will still be fun to see my little guy, but I'm not obsessing and counting down the days.... thank goodness!
I wouldnt mind using gas and air but here in Germany where I gave birth to my son it is not offered and this baby will be born in America where they also dont offer it so looks like that option is out!

When I was pregnant with my son I wanted to go all natural, even try a water birth and I really did try to go as long as I could go, but I just couldnt take it anymore. Unfortunately labor was progressing so fast that I was told it was too late for any form of pain relief. I was given one dose which helped about 20 mins then I felt the same again. I tried to do what I could but for some, like me it was too over whelming. I pretty much lost my mind! I was too concentrated on just getting baby out and the pain that I did not enjoy the moment or feel like a big strong woman. Even months after giving birth I had night mares about it all over again :nope: to me it shouldnt have been like that.

A few months later my best friend gave birth and it was wonderful! She had an epidural that was continuous, a nice little oxygen mask to use when she wanted, a mirror to see she could still feel when to push but was in no pain what so ever. It really was beautiful compared to my sweaty, tear filled mess my birth was :haha: Ever since then I vowed to just get the drugs!! I see no reason to put yourself through the worse pain of your life when medicine has come so far these days. Everyones birth is different, regardless if you get medicine or not you risk having a intervention, tears, csection.

That being said some women totally freak during birth, while others can go all natural and do great! For me, I dont do so great :haha:
I totally agree. I think some women are just more capable of having wonderful natural births! I really do think I could have done it if I hadn't been induced the way I was, but that was 10 years ago and I'm feeling old and tired now. :haha: I'm anticipating being induced again because I'm sure I'll be over-due just like last time. :nope: So bring on the happy drugs. :haha:
update from previous post about my cancelled ultrasound. i called back after their lunch break to schedule a level 2 ultrasound and asked if she was able to tell when the notice was posted. she said monday at 4:45 p.m. funny because i was in my appointment until 5:15p.m. so it is clear now that she did it right it front of me, asked me when my u/s was and still didnt mention on word.

on top of that the lady kept mentioning how its great that i dont have to come in now.. like its some big inconvience to come in and see your baby!! something i booked 5 weeks ago and had been counting the days down for! she said it twice and i finally said "look i get that your just the messenger, but i found out 2 hours before my appointment, i am very upset and there is actually no other thing i would rather due today then see my son, so stop saying this is a good thing!" i got dead silence.

and to top it all off i have to wait another three and half weeks.
Wishful that is awful! To not tell you during your appointment is one thing but to leave it 2 hours before the scan is disgusting! Like somebody else said, you both may have booked the day off work! Especially if you're on medication for anxiety.. I'm gobsmacked they've done this to you. And well done for telling the receptionist how you felt. She needs to learn to be more sensitive and hold her tongue.

Re pain relief, I had really strong contractions with no gap in the middle, plus he was back to back so I was pushing uncontrollably from the beginning so the epidural was a God send. I definitely will have another if I need to but I'm really hoping for a vbac (natural birth after a previous caesarean) and I know that an epidural can increase the risks of a c section as you can't move around as well (or at all in my case). If I can control the urges and stop focusing on the labour then I would like to think I'd be better equipped.
Oh I gave uop counting days loooong ago- I just know whereabouts I am but I think in 10 months total time counting the days is way to arduous. I prefer weeks.
thanks.. 5 weeks felt like awhile so 3.5 added is going to snail bye as well. i still cant believe how much the lady thought it was great i didnt have to come in. i was practically crying on the phone, why would this excite me?! oh boy.

just want to know my baby is okay :( i love him so much.. i hope i can feel him soon for some reassurance.. no flutters yet.
I don't suppose you could have a private scan or perhaps speak to your new dr and explain that this isn't helping your anxiety? Also will you be over 22 weeks? I think it's harder to do the scan then so it's in their interest to do it sooner.
:hugs: wishful, no wonder you are upset :hugs:

20 weeks today! I'm planning a home birth so will be using the pool, essential oils, massage, hypno and positions as pain relief for a start :thumbup:

i will be 22 weeks exactly. funny thing is i am possible going to be considered high risk... right now i am "higher" but dont have the title.. so you think they'd want to make sure everything is okay asap. :( god i started crying again over this just this hour.. maybe i will call.. just want to know he is okay.

and i guess i could technically get a private but they are $100 and while they can show you baby their job isnt to tell you if anything is wrong... which is what i want to hear. i had a private scan at 16 weeks but no ultrasounds by a dr through my drs office yet.

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