NT measured 3 mm at 13w1d. How scared should i be


Pregnant with #3
Dec 5, 2009
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First I want to say this pregnancy (#3) has been different since the beginning. I've been overwhelmingly sick, not morning sickness but constant sickness. I guess it's really the only difference but it was so overwhelmingly awful and it was almost night and day from my other two. I don't know if this has anything to do with anything, but I just read something about chromosomal problems possibly raising HCG which I know can increase your morning sickness so and I'm freaking out all over again.

I went in for my first trimester screening today. Baby was moving around and everything, dancing like crazy, looked adorable in baby like, heart looked normal and hb was 150, ultrasound tech even went so far as to say baby looks good which I know she shouldn't have done. But if you ask me I would have said it looked totally normal.

Baby was in an awkward position so getting the NT measurement was hard for them. She called someone else in and she finally seem to get it measured it and then it said the doctor would come in so I knew they were having some kind of issue. Then this total jerk of a dude came in and basically said that it measured 3 mm which is at the cutoff of normal and therefore we needed to get an amnio or something. To which I said isn't there a less dangerous thing that we could do and he said I guess you could do blood work but you have to wait two weeks.

Since he said 3mmm was the cutoff I said does that mean it's close to normal and he basically scoffed and said no it is not normal. I asked what he would consider normal and he said one. So I was basically having a panic attack at that point. I told them I would get my blood work done tomorrow and that I wasn't doing an amnio or CVS until I had a reason to. Me and my boyfriend talked about it a bit and he is terrified, basically he won't even think about the possibility that there could actually be an issue with the baby. Like I personally can make peace with the baby having Down syndrome. Im relatively active in the disability community, have a lot of disabled friends and I've learned a lot about people with Down syndrome and I know that they can live productive happy lives and I don't think I personally would want to end the pregnancy because of that.

I still am scared of any complications naturally and I would really like it to not be anything unusual because my life is so stressful and messy right now. I know I would not have the support of anyone around me re: keeping the baby. Plus of course I want the baby to be as healthy as possible. But regardless of all of that I'm terrified of the more dangerous possibilities, and I'm also wondering how abnormal 3 mm at 13 weeks really is.

Another OB-GYN told me that the doctor was out of line and his tone and that he misrepresented the facts when he said 1 was normal and that I should call and complain. She said that until I do some blood work this might not really mean anything. But I don't know how lucky I am as a person so I'm just curious to know how worried I should really be because I want to be prepared and realistic for the outcome.

I've read a lot of conflicting information, places that say anything over 2 is bad and places that also say 3 or under is okay so I really don't understand how I should feel right now. I felt a bit better after reading some statistics and then I read that morning sickness is associated with Down Syndrome so of course I'm now freaking out again since I didn't really have morning sickness with my first two.

I guess I'm just looking for advice, support, and people with similar experiences to me regardless of the outcome. Also I will attach the pictures they gave me so you can see if you think it looks abnormal and you can also see a good shot of the NT. I'm also wondering if because the baby was struggling around so much and they had such a hard time getting the measurement if somehow they were wrong.

I just need some other people to talk to because I'm going over everything in my head and I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't know if I should be terrified or hopeful. me and my boyfriend basically decided to assume everything's okay until the blood work comes back and gives us more information, But honestly that's because at this point he refuses to even consider something like down syndrome.

honestly of all the things that this could possibly indicate Down syndrome is not at the top of the list of stuff I'm worried about. to be honest the only thing I would not be okay with if it is Down syndrome is the way other people will react like it's some kind of tragedy and of course any medical complications.

okay I should also probably add that I am only 27 and so is my boyfriend. as far as I'm aware there isn't anything running in our families in terms of genetic issues or abnormalities.

all I know is I love this baby. Again I don't care what your outcome was I don't want to just hear sugary happy stories. I know that it could be something that isn't necessarily good news and I'm okay with hearing those stories too.

TL;DR: At my 13-week ultrasound NT was measured at 3 mm. I'm not sure how abnormal this really is and I want to hear other people's stories if they went through something similar regardless of outcome.

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My dr likely wouldn’t have been overly concerned about 3 as a reading. My boys (twins) were 4 & 6 reading and at that point I was sent to a high risk (would have happened anyway) but there equipment is much better. The readings came back what he called normal (2&3) and did blood test. Blood test will give you odds not an answer. Amino/cvs is the only thing that can get more of an answer then just the odds. I did not risk an amino/cvs. The odds on my blood test did not give me a reason to. Honestly I wouldn’t have done it either way, it wasn’t worth the risk to us. One of my boys did have complications (he’s happy and healthy now) but not a disability/chromosome issue. My specialist said a lot of regular ob officers don’t have good enough equipment to always get an accurate reading and sometimes if the tech is just a smidge off it equates to a huge difference in measurement. I wouldn’t freak out yet. See what your blood results give you odds for and move from there and maybe get a second opinion. Also every pregnancy is different I was sick almost my entire first pregnancy, had aversions and all these horrible things. My second pregnancy I was sick but nothing like I was with the first and had cravings instead and overall much easier so I wouldn’t freak out over the symptoms to much. Hope it all works out!
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