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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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What do you love about your job? What do you hate about it? Would you recommend it? X
I'm only a student at the moment so I've not had any bad experiences yet! I'm only on my first placement though, but i suppose the downside is the unsociable hours - I do three 14 hour shifts per week 7:30am - 9:30pm. Its crazyyyy busy and we barely sit down the whole time. Its pretty exhausting.

On the upside though its so rewarding. The majority of patients and their families are so appreciative of what you do and its lovely when they express their thanks to you personally.

I've had lots of patients tell me how happy I look and how I'm always smiling which is lovely and the fact they noticed obviously means it has a positive impact!

Having someone trust you to care for them or their loved one, and often helping them with their personal care is a real honour imo.

And if you're interested in nursing it can be quite exciting depending on which area you're working in, i love it even more than I expected. I want to be a gynae nurse but i'm still really enjoying my placement on a stroke unit :)
Not as much as id like but i do get four days off a week with doing the long days. But I don't see her at all on the days I do work, it is hard but its for her at the end of the day.

Placements are only ten weeks at a time though and by the time i'm qualified she will be that little bit older so it will hopefully be easier. All the nurses I work with have children, some of them have babies and they all manage it well.
Did you get in the first year you applied? I've applied for midwifery twice with not even an interview so I'm thinking of going for nursing instead. Looking at York, Teesside and hull x
Yeah i got in straight away. I applied in October, interview December, started in March! I did want to start in Sept but when they offered me a place in March I thought why wait? Midwifery is really competitive..I always wanted midwifery initially but i didn't have biology at A Level unfortunately which my uni wanted. I'm at Chester Uni. I went for nursing because its the next best thing and also a route into midwifery if I still want to pursue in the future. I know they keep saying they are going to phase out the conversion but they've been saying that for about ten years and its never happened.

I have no regrets anyway as i love nursing and if if I can work in women's health when Im qualified that will be perfect for me, and then maybe midwifery one day. x
I started my nurse training in 2002, and have worked on 2 wards since qualifying a good few moons ago.

I worked 3 long days (14hr) prior to maternity leave and will be going back for 2. Which works pretty well for me as OH is also a nurse and will work 3 days and hopefully we won't require childcare.

Pros - reasonable pay, good holiday allocation, career for life, pension etc. It's definitely challenging and that makes it rewarding, there are lots of different areas and all have individual pros and cons. My ward has an overall good vibe the team work well, and have a good laugh with patients and relatives. You feel like you're doing something positive and beneficial to society. You constantly learn something new.

Cons - Unsocial hours weekends/nights/bank holidays, Rediculous amounts of paperwork, generally feeling like you're bashing your head against the wall alot of the time because 'the system' just doesn't work right.

I think the worst part for me is how much it can be frustrating - I've noticed in the last couple of years that the general public's attitude towards nurses has become a lot less respectful. More than once in the last few years have i been told by someone making outrageous requests that "they are paying my wages", "it's my job" etc etc. Having to deal with people regardless of how unpleasant they are can be challenging.

Before i started my nurse training i did some voluntary work in a respite home, it definitely gave me an idea if i was cut out for it or not!
I have been nursing for many, many years.
I work 30hrs per week, which works out at 2 long days and 1 short shift per week (a short shift is 6 hours long)

Pros - its rewarding. Its lovely when a patient or relative thanks you for looking after them.
The shift work can be a pro - I only work 2 and a half days a week, which means I can spend the rest of the week at my leisure!
The holidays are fairly good, but you do have to rememeber that the reason we get 'so much holiday' is that some of it is the bank holidays and public holidays that other people get off regardless.
The pay is good and the pension is still very respectable (although, I am still on the old pension scheme which was even better)
Plenty of opportunity to learn and enhance your skills.

Cons the shift work is also in my cons list as I have to work bank holidays, weekends, nights, earlys, lates! Everything has to be planned out so far in advance. I have lost count the amount of times I have tried explaining to friends that if they want to see me, they have to book me. There is no such thing as a spontaneous invite in nursing!! Summer BBQ's have to be in my diary weeks in advance or I may be working!!!
You have to deal with people at their very worse! they are frightened, scared and vulnerable. This can make them behave in ways that can be perceived as rude or even aggressive. Factor in illness, disease or medication (drugs and alcohol included) that can affect behaviour, and it can make for some very challenging interactions. I won't lie to you - I have been hit on more than one occassion! (although, I do work in Neurosciences, which has more than its fair share of challenging behaviours!).
The paperwork is out of this world. There is paperwork to fill in to say that paperwork has been filled in! (I kid you not!)
My sister is a nurse, she loves her job. The only thing she complains about is the shifts.

She did her nursing at Teesside Uni.
I want to be a Nurse, Midwife preferably, but any sort of Nursing would be fine by me :thumbup:

I start my access to nursing course this year and I've just got myself a Care Assistant job in a care home (Volunteering) :happydance:

Look forward to reading some more replies :) x
I've been a mental health nurse since 2004 and did my training at Southampton.

I still love it, every day is different and you have the chance to really make a difference. I feel privileged to do my job.

There's lots of scope to change specialties I've worked in various inpatient units with older people, adults and young people too, I've gone back to uni and completed extra courses, the learning really is lifelong its not like you graduate and that's it there's more challenges if you want them.

I'm now in the community and work 3 days, it's flexible as I control my own diary so say I see a patient at 7pm as a one off I would go in late the next.


The current political climate unsettles me, there seems to be a culture of blame which has arisen, I'm not perfect sometimes an intervention doesn't work in the way we all might hope but I always try my best, am aware of limitations and learn but seem to spend more time worrying that I have done all the paperwork and completed all the electronic tick boxes.

There is an element of risk violence is sadly a factor and I have been hurt a few times.

Nursing is such a wide field I'm sure you would find something you like, it's so diverse, I'm so pleased I did my training...and I'm certainly not in the job I thought I'd be in 10 years ago but I'm genuinely inspired by the young people I work with every day, not every job can say that !!!
I trained at Southampton too! I graduated in 2000 though :)

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