wow... I never knew this existed. I'm convinced I have it and it's the reason for TEddy's recent miserable-ness!
he's got greenish poops from time to time
he has lots of gas
i was told it was colic but he doesnt scream in pain, just has gas and greenish poops on occasions
his poops are watery or mucusy sometimes
since starting bfing I have developed one big boob and one smaller. on the big one he chokes and it sprays
we have lots of wet nappies
when he feeds laying down my bed ends up soaked
he feeds for shorter periods now. I thought he was just getting more efficient, but maybe that's not it...
I think I'm getting closer to working out why my little man ahsnt been happy!..does anyone know what the treament is?
Or if it'spossible to just have this on one side?
I'm annoyed I've reported many of these symptoms to my docs but no one mentioned it..
might have to go see a lactation specialist i suppose. Gosh..bfing is hard work sometimes!..
he's got greenish poops from time to time
he has lots of gas
i was told it was colic but he doesnt scream in pain, just has gas and greenish poops on occasions
his poops are watery or mucusy sometimes
since starting bfing I have developed one big boob and one smaller. on the big one he chokes and it sprays
we have lots of wet nappies
when he feeds laying down my bed ends up soaked
he feeds for shorter periods now. I thought he was just getting more efficient, but maybe that's not it...
I think I'm getting closer to working out why my little man ahsnt been happy!..does anyone know what the treament is?
Or if it'spossible to just have this on one side?
I'm annoyed I've reported many of these symptoms to my docs but no one mentioned it..
might have to go see a lactation specialist i suppose. Gosh..bfing is hard work sometimes!..