OB/GYN says *no* BBT charting?


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2014
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DH and I have been TTC since Nov 2014 (not consecutive... I was seriously ill with a bad flu right around O of Jan 2015, and we were unable to BD on time in Feb 2015) and I've been charting my BBT since Oct 2014.

I chart at the same time every morning, with an alarm set on my phone. Even if I don't plan on getting out of bed after that alarm wakes me, I still take my temp and then go back to sleep. lol

The charts have always been accurate to within about 24hrs in terms of predicting AF, charting my ovulation, etc. and my temp spikes always lined up with +OPK tests, CM and CP in the past.

However, this month when I went in for my regular pap test, I told the OB/GYN that I was charting BBT and she very vehemently told me NOT to track BBT at ALL. She wouldn't even hear me out when I tried to explain to her how they've been accurate for me thus far.

I was so baffled! Everything I've ever read in my research on how best to TTC (books, forums... even my mom was told to track BBT when she was TTC#1 - me! - back in the 80s) has said that BBT charting is the most accurate way to determine Ovulation -- AND that using OPKs isn't all that reliable, since it doesn't tell you when you've O'd, only that your LH levels have surged and that you MIGHT ovulate soon.

The GYN insists that BBT charting is just too complicated for anyone to understand and told me that the best way to conceive is with OPKs, because she says that's all SHE needed.

Well, charting might've been difficult for HER, but I haven't had any problems!

Has anyone else had their doctor tell them NOT to chart? I may switch OB/GYN after this... this woman's nice and all, but I'm TTC at a disadvantage and I need all the help I can get! lol.
That is the worst advice ever, and she said it was too complicated for you to understand, which is an insult to boot.

I can understand if it's causing extreme and unnecessary anxiety and stress and affecting your relationship maybe but... wow. The things health care professionals say to us sometimes, and in their position, it's just wrong.

I'm curious if anyone else has this happens to them?
Eww. New doctor time! I mean, gain a little perspective lady!
The worst part of what you said is when she wouldn't really let you talk. That doesn't create an open relationship with the doctor. You have to trust your doctor and being cut off when talking doesn't do that.
Yeah, she's done it before where she's asked a question, only waited long enough for me to say a single word, and then either started talking again or left.

She and I aren't all that different in age, so it isn't as though I'm a high school kid she has to control, and I'm not ditzy, I don't behave like I have zero common sense.

She did, however, give me the number for a fertility clinic so I suppose I could always ask them for a consult and see what they say about BBT charting instead.
Seriously my obgyn told me to temp lol. I've been using opks for the last few months but have never gotten a true positive (darn close, but no dice) even when testing twice a day. She's asked me to temp for 2-3 months, and start taking vitamins b6, b12, c and d. then if we don't see any improvement or I'm actually not ovulating then we will talk other options. But she even said if we do need the specialist they might want to see BBT charts also.

I can't believe your doctor shut you down like that. It's not like you were talking about some off the wall thing. I would see the specialist. Good luck :)
Wow! Our OBGYN and PCP both told us to start charting, as we haven't been thus far. We have felt as though the digital OPK's have given us a good grasp on things, the only part we've been messing up on is timing, since our situation is different with having to use a donor and shipping. Our PCP insisted on us temping and told us that it was the only way that she was able to conceive her first. The only thing our ob/gyn grumbled about was our use of fertility friend. Told us that it was just predictive if we weren't temping, and that it wasn't accurate. We told her it had helped us, and she just told us that it was fine to use it but not to rely on it too much. I'm beginning to think that some of these doctors have been doing this longer than they should and need a career change!
Wow, see, I knew something was odd!

For an OB/GYN to tell me NOT to temp seemed so weird! I've read books on conception, like What to Expect Before You're Expecting, which suggested I temp. My mother had troubles conceiving me, her first, and was told to do temping...

Every TTC forum, online resource, etc. I've ever read ALSO suggested BBT tracking, and then my doctor says no? I sat there in silence a few moments after she said that and just stared at her.

She acted like BBT tracking was a big myth or something. lol. This really makes me less confident in her other abilities as well! Just because she personally didn't use BBT doesn't mean no one should! Especially considering I have other problems that can cause TTC issues, and she doesn't. Grr.

And the odd thing is, I was getting positive OPKs when I used them in the past, as well as the sustained BBT temp spike around the same time every month. Then this month I go back to using them both and I get nothing. I'm now on CD28 and still no +OPK or BBT spike. I might use the advice line at the doc's to see if I can get an opinion from someone else on the matter.
Ireadyermind - it doesn't look like you ovulated this month. I've had that happen before, or one time I ovulated when AF would have shown up but usually im a 26-29 day cycle. If uve been really stressed out it can prevent you from ovulating. Did you ever get a faint line on the opk or none at all?
Ireadyermind - it doesn't look like you ovulated this month. I've had that happen before, or one time I ovulated when AF would have shown up but usually im a 26-29 day cycle. If uve been really stressed out it can prevent you from ovulating. Did you ever get a faint line on the opk or none at all?

I've been getting the same medium-colored line all month. Never as dark as the control line, but it doesn't change either.

I was testing once in late morning and once in the evening so I wouldn't miss a surge, but it never got any darker.

Once or twice I got barely-there lines instead of the medium ones, but nothing else. Frustrating. I'll keep waiting. AF is due in about a week. Either she'll show or she won't... but I hope that if she doesn't, it's because I ovulated sometime this week and I'm in the TWW! :blush:
Well fingers crossed!!! keep us updated! my chart was weird today and i jumped but my opk's are still negative any my monitor is only showing high fertility still hopefully it drops tomorrow and i can see my actual surge.
CD30 today. Temp jumped up quite a bit from yesterday, but still not higher than my highest temps earlier this month.

OPK was negative again, and this time much more faint than the ones before. Bleh. Will try and BD with DH tonight just in case I get another temp spike tomorrow that indicates I actually ovulated.

I've just about given up on this cycle, even though I know there are women who've conceived with SUPER late ovulation. It's too stressful to keep up this waiting game. Arg.
lol i hate the waiting game! oh u don't even want to know the crazy stuff i have done during the ttw to keep my mind off of it hahaha. this is my first time temping and idk i've had a 2 day spike but only have gotten the "flashing" smiley faces on my CB advanced opk. But also totally random but I'm excited that this is the first time I've ever had EWCM I think all the vitamins i'm on started to pay off. :) idk what do you think when you look at my chart?
lol i hate the waiting game! oh u don't even want to know the crazy stuff i have done during the ttw to keep my mind off of it hahaha. this is my first time temping and idk i've had a 2 day spike but only have gotten the "flashing" smiley faces on my CB advanced opk. But also totally random but I'm excited that this is the first time I've ever had EWCM I think all the vitamins i'm on started to pay off. :) idk what do you think when you look at my chart?

It's hard to say! You have those open circles on your chart which means you were too far outside your normal temperature taking time when you took your temperature. I think as long as it's within 30mins or so of your normal temp time, you're okay.

Do you have an alarm set for when it's time to wake up and temp? And are you using a BBT thermometer?

For an ovulation spike, you're supposed to see consistent temperatures over your cover line... I think your cover line would be at 97.7 degrees. Once you get 3+ temps over 97.7 then FF should confirm ovulation.

But start BDing now, 'cause usually EWCM is good news and you might O in the next few days! :D

As for me....

CD 31 -- Another steep temp drop. CM went back to creamy. Really faint OPK this morning. I think my body has given up on trying to ovulate this cycle. My cervix is still open, but it's been alternating between soft and firm every few days, which is weird. I took a pregnancy test yesterday because I just can't figure out what's going on here, and it was negative. So this isn't some kind of weird pregnancy with a fake "period" in there earlier this month, as far as I can tell.

I am telling myself that the longer it takes me to get pregnant, the longer I have to get in shape! I have some weight to lose and I've been eating healthier and whatnot, but really what I need to do is get back on a consistent exercise routine. I have a lot of trouble with that. When I do work out, it's a good, hard workout where I sweat buckets... but then I won't work out again for like a week. :dohh:
I work midnights 3 days a week so those days I temp at 4pm when I wake up and on my days off I test around 10 when I wake up lol. so I know mine are usually all over but my doc wants me to try it anyway. I am using a BBT. Thanks for the help with the chart. I only had 1 day above my base before the huge drop (i didn't know u needed 3+ in a row before that shows ovulation lol)

I had a steep drop today and got my very first positive Opk and a solid smiley on the digital!! Seriously I don't think i've ever gotten a true positive in the year I've been trying lol. I'm so glad all of these vitamins have been paying off. Now fingers crossed my husbands vitamins are working.

I have the weekend off so me and my husband will actually be able to see each other and get to some baby making. I lost about 25lbs sense november but still have a ton to go and have kinda just hit a lul. I don't want to work out anymore lol but tomorrow I'm going hiking tomorrow so that counts as a work out. I really could use to lose 50 lbs ugh need to get back on the work out train.

I hope your cycle evens out soon so that way you can get back to trying. ugh the evil confusing things our bodies do to us!
I had a steep drop today and got my very first positive Opk and a solid smiley on the digital!! Seriously I don't think i've ever gotten a true positive in the year I've been trying lol. I'm so glad all of these vitamins have been paying off. Now fingers crossed my husbands vitamins are working.

I have the weekend off so me and my husband will actually be able to see each other and get to some baby making. I lost about 25lbs sense november but still have a ton to go and have kinda just hit a lul. I don't want to work out anymore lol but tomorrow I'm going hiking tomorrow so that counts as a work out. I really could use to lose 50 lbs ugh need to get back on the work out train.

I hope your cycle evens out soon so that way you can get back to trying. ugh the evil confusing things our bodies do to us!

25 pounds? That's amazing! Good job! I'm trying to lose weight myself, but my GYN and I suspect I have PCOS and this wonky cycle might confirm that... so I need to see what we can do to help me lose weight. A 50 pound loss would be GREAT for me. That'd put me right where I want to be in terms of my personal, ideal weight. I will keep working out and eating less until I get my BFP!

I've got a little support group going in my thread Getting Fit Before Baby if you want to join us -- we're all trying to get in shape while we're waiting for our BFP. Some of the gals in the thread already got theirs, but the rest of us are keeping each other motivated! :) The link is in my signature. You're welcome to hop in and join us!

I'm happy to hear that you got a +OPK and a temp drop! :) That's exciting! It's the worst kind of hell, waiting to see those signs. Man oh man.

As for me --

Yesterday I started seeing super watery CM for the first time in ages, and a tiny tiiiiiny bit of EWCM that I'm still not convinced was really there. My morning and evening OPKs were super faint, almost non-existent lines. I tested with two different brands and they came out the same. That was sort of confusing for me, since I had all the watery CM. Also my CP was medium-high, very open -- but also very firm. I wasn't sure what to think! lol

My temperature dropped to the lowest it's been this whole cycle (97.14° today) and in fact, the lowest it's been in months. I'm taking that to mean that I could ovulate any day now, since you're supposed to have a temperature dip right before. It's been two consecutive days of drops rather than another spike up.

This morning's OPK was back to being a medium darkness, from yesterday's faint faint line. I'm going test again in the afternoon, and AGAIN in the evening. Even if I don't get a positive today, DH and I will BD tonight to make sure we've got our bases covered, and then if I do happen to get a +OPK in the next day or so, we'll make sure to BD a little extra.

My CP this morning was super high (almost couldn't reach!), very soft, and I couldn't tell if it was open or not because I couldn't reach, but I'm assuming it was, because it was so open last night and I don't think it'd snap shut like a clam shell overnight. lol!

So wish me good luck, I hope I get a +OPK and temp spike soon! I'm now on CD33 and going crazy.

Good luck and baby dust to you! I hope you get a BFP and a sticky bean this time around! ^^
Ugh I would ignore your obgyn and do what you want to do! It annoys me when they say it's complicated cause with apps like FF it really doesn't need to be anymore! Yeah if I had to manually chart I'd probably find it trickier but FF does it all for you! I love temping cause I love knowing where I'm at in my cycle with accuracy!
Ugh I would ignore your obgyn and do what you want to do! It annoys me when they say it's complicated cause with apps like FF it really doesn't need to be anymore! Yeah if I had to manually chart I'd probably find it trickier but FF does it all for you! I love temping cause I love knowing where I'm at in my cycle with accuracy!

Definitely! I'm still charting even though she says not to. If DH and I don't conceive in the next few months we're to contact the fertility specialists, and I know they are going to want that charting info!

FF makes everything super simple, and when you have screwed up cycles it provides insight into what your body's doing when you chart. I thought it was really silly of her to tell me not to do it. :dohh:

But I finally got a +OPK at CD35 and I'm officially in the TWW now!

I've noticed some of the same symptoms this month as I had with my chemical last November, so FXd for a sticky bean!

Otherwise, AF is due to show on June 25 or so. I hope I get my BFP this cycle!

:dust: to all!

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