So DH and I discussed things a little bit about what is going on with me and baby. I feel good that things Thursday will be ok enough to not have to be sent over. I have a blood pressure cuff I’m using constantly throughout the day and will be taking it pretty easy for the next week.
We’re going to leave the induction date for Wednesday. This will put me at 39+2 which is when things happened for my second on their own. Regardless of it does or not at least I will be in a controlled environment with my wonderful dr super close by. This eases my fears up tremendously with delivery. He also said I’d be allowed to move around until the epidural. So that also makes me feel better. I will also not be as stressed getting my kids to my in laws because it’s scheduled and I plan to let them both sleep in our bed that night somehow haha! But I am going to ask for a couple of things. 1) they don’t break my waters and let them break on their own unless I’m about 7cm. With dd this was my biggest issue because waters were broken for nearly 24 hours and we were at a risk of infection which meant they were starting to discuss c section. And then 2) on Monday when I assume I’ll see him in office one last time he will do a stripping of membranes as one final attempt to move things along. I don’t think he will have an issue with either of these so I’m feeling pretty good now about everything.
I still can’t believe we’re here already! I’m going to enjoy every day I get to feel baby move. This is it! Last pregnancy, last baby, this chapter is about over for me!