Hi ladies
I've had a few phone calls today one from the doctors saying they want to repeat my blodtest again because when the midwife took my blood on Wednesday afternoon she put it in th frige. And with me because I've had a liver transplant my bloods when taken have to be tested on the same day so on Monday I have to have more bloods taken yay.
Also got my appointment for the 12 week dating scan but it isn't until the 9th April when I will be 12+6 so practically 13 weeks which I was a bit miffed about.
My midwife has requested a scan b4 then so I'm hoping I will get a scan soon because waiting till the 9th of April is so far away and my anxiety can't take that.
I have Bipoler type 2 and my anxiety has been terrible.
I'm starting to relax a bit more now.
My tummy has grown over night it's massive today and it's all vainy and has that line going down and my belly button is sticking out more.
Still been feeling sick but not been sick yet and still have sore boobs. Just hoping this as are all positive signs.
I managed to get all the housework done today so gonna have a chill out weekend which will be nice.
Anyone nervous about telling certain people there pregnant and there reaction?
I'm scared to tell my bestie I'm scared she won't wanna know me any more because a few years ago I promised her I wudnt have any more kids and here I am .
She going to kill me. Not looking forward to my mum's reaction either. She's a bit of a negative Nelly and not ever really been any support to me. It's like in her eyes every thing I do is wrong. It's always been that way.