Sugger - I'm kinda nervous about telling SO's mom cuz she knows he didn't want kids and now we're gonna have a 2nd. I'm worried she'll think I'm trying to ruin his life and force stuff on him he doesn't want. I'm also a little worried about my mom. She repeatedly told me don't get pg again, though that was when DS was a lot younger. She's just gonna have a million questions and concerns over whether SO is gonna step up to the challenge again.
I can understand being pissed about such a late dating scan. 12 weeks is around the time we'd be doing down syndrome testing, not waiting for confirmation of our EDDs. Hopefully you can get that other scan soon.
And FX telling your mom and friend goes well.
Brit12 - How'd your daughter's BDay party go?
Shorty - I'm thinking of doing an easter announcement. I'll arrange a large pink, a large blue, and a medium size plastic egg in a basket with that plastic straw and then have a small yellow egg in the centre, take a pic, and post it with the caption "We're adding another egg to our basket". That could change though. I'll ask SO what he thinks, but he probably doesn't care. lol
Glad to hear your scan went well. That's a really good pic.
Prayin - Welcome back. Congrats on the new pregnancy and weight loss.
Demotivated - I seem to have a little bit of a shorter temper and some mild boob soreness, but not too much difference hormonally.
Here's hoping everyone that's dealing with MS starts feeling better very soon.
AFM, not too much to report. Just very nervously awaiting my dating scan in 8 days and it's still too early for me to find anything on my doppler. I'm also posting this at 4:30am cuz I woke up to use the bathroom and I was super hungry. Bowl of Froot Loops FTW. lol