October bumpkins 2019

Awww good luck @brittany12 and @playgirl666
I'm so looking forward to seeing all these scans pics.
@brittany12 do they not do the 20 week scan over there hon? I'm not really sure how it all works in different countries. In the UK we have scans at around 12 weeks then 20 weeks and then that's normally it until baby is born. Unless ure high risk then u have to have growth scans at 24 weeks and 28 weeks 32 weeks and so on.
I hate being high risk but the only good thing about it is the extra scans. U dont get pics tho. U only get pics here at the 12 and 20 week one and then u dont get anymore.
I'm not sure why because u have to pay for the photos. They just get funny about it.
I asked for a picture at my 28 weeks scan with DD and the womon nearly bit my head off. So I was just like ok:oops:

U guys staying team yellow I'm impressed. U guys have the patience of Angel's. I'm terrible I'm itching to know.

Anyone done any of the gender tests things?

Oh I have a question is baking soda and baking powder the same thing?
We can not get baking soda here I have looked everywhere and all there is is backing powder and barcarb soda. Its been bugging me and I've been meaning to ask and I keep forgetting.
So all you guys across the pond in Canada and America is it the Same thing?

I feel like such an idiot asking:blush:
It is not the same thing. Baking soda is inside baking powder but baking powder contains other things like cream of tartar and it reacts differently when combined with wet ingredients. :)
Sugger yes Nolimit is right baking soda and baking powder aren’t the same thing - but you said you have bicarbonate soda which is the same as baking soda so will work for your gender test :p

I tried that and my result was kind of inconclusive so I couldn’t tell! It fizzed a little - they say fizzy is girl, flat is boy, but they also say it should really fizz like a beer so it was hard for me to tell, lol. Fun to try though!
Yes we have a 20 week anatomy scan here! I was referring to this is our last baby :)

I’ll have another scan around 36 weeks too to check estimated weight and things like that.

I’ll pay for a private scan (it’s a 2 for 1 deal) which will give us a 3D scan at 25ish weeks and then 32ish weeks!

So I have at least 4 more scans after tomorrow’s!
Has anyone put on any weight? I know.. it’s one of those how dare you questions, but I’m curious!

So this pregnancy I put on 6 pounds in the first 8ish weeks and the. Lost all of it. So I’m currently at pre pregnancy weight and have had no sickness so I feel like this is a huge achievement for me! Rolling into second trimester with no weight gain!

With DD I gained 45 pounds total, had pre eclampsia, and could not lose the last 10-15 pounds after I had her.

With DS I gain 30 or 33 pounds, had preeclampsia, lost all but 10 again, but then did a diet (mainly watching what I ate) which made my milk supply plummet but I lost all of the weight and was down to 3 pounds above pre pregnancy weight with DD!!!! Put on 3 pounds from holidays and life...And then got pregnant with #3 haha

So I’m hoping I can keep the weight below 30 this time! I’m really thinking if I can maybe it help preeclampsia stay away! I know 30 pounds is normal but I’m pretty small.. I’m only 5’2 so being 175 pounds at the end of my pregnancy is super hard on my body.
Brittany I just got weighed today and I haven’t put on any weight. Hoping to not put on too much with this pregnancy. I gained so much with my first and never managed to get rid of it. This baby is quite likely to be my last so once he/she is born ill be trying all my best to shift a lot of my weight.

Booked my anomaly scan today. It’s the 9th May so I’ll be 19 weeks exactly. Can’t wait!
Sooooo scan done.
I don't have a pic to share (they gave me a CD and now I m at work. Will upload later)

Baby measuring 12w1d. EDD 10-oct now.
HB 159
NT 1.8, nasal bone seen.
Placenta fundal
Baby was moving like crazy .. it was so much fun to watch :)

The tech said all looks good :)

However I noted in the report that I have high resistance in uterine artery and should continue to take asprin as I am. That is the only thing that worried me but tech didn't mention it. Will get my blood test reports and visit my OB/Gyn later next week.

Ohhhh and tmrw is my bday :D
Scan done. All grand I'll post pic later.. not a good pic i was very sick before the scan so didn't have a full bladder...

Measuring ahead 12 weeks 5 days new due date 06/10

Baby was so cute rubbing it's eyes kicking it's legs and trying to suck it's thumb
I surprisingly haven’t put on any weight yet. I’m guessing that’s because I was so nauseous for a while. It’s basically gone now though, just the odd wave of it after I’ve eaten sometimes! So I’m guessing itl start piling on soon lol, although I’m really going to try not put on 4 and a half stone like I did with my son. It was hard work to loose lol!

So glad everyone’s scans are going great :) it’s crazy how fast it’s gone for us all.

We had w scan at the epu yesterday as I’m still bleeding from when I had that heavy bleed 2 weeks ago. It seems the sch hasn’t gotten smaller yet but it hasn’t gotten any bigger which I’m guessing is a good sign. Baby was great and measuring perfect so we announced on social media. I will attach the picture :)

Has anyone else announced yet? Or is there anyone not posting anything on social media? X

I surprisingly haven’t put on any weight yet. I’m guessing that’s because I was so nauseous for a while. It’s basically gone now though, just the odd wave of it after I’ve eaten sometimes! So I’m guessing itl start piling on soon lol, although I’m really going to try not put on 4 and a half stone like I did with my son. It was hard work to loose lol!

So glad everyone’s scans are going great :) it’s crazy how fast it’s gone for us all.

We had w scan at the epu yesterday as I’m still bleeding from when I had that heavy bleed 2 weeks ago. It seems the sch hasn’t gotten smaller yet but it hasn’t gotten any bigger which I’m guessing is a good sign. Baby was great and measuring perfect so we announced on social media. I will attach the picture :)

Has anyone else announced yet? Or is there anyone not posting anything on social media? X

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Omg love your announcement one of my fav films lol..

No I won't be doing a social media announcement this time. But I did one to send to family x
Good morning ladies.

Congrats on all the scans I new you wud all get good news and all wud be fine.
Really hoping they will have a look at baby when I have my kidney and liver scan on Monday and hoping they will do measurements and have a good look to make sure baby is healthy. There quite nice at that hospital so I'm really hoping they wont mind having a look and a baby Is much more fun to look at than liver and kidneys Haha. The 9th April still seems like ages away so I really hope they do agree to have a look on Monday. I mean they only have to move the prob a little bit down to see baby so its not to much to ask.

Just managed to find babies HB strait away. I dont really want to use it every day but I've got ages to wait till my dating scan esp if they wony look at baby on Monday and it just gives me sk much reassurance hearing that little HB. It was 165BPM today and it sounded quite loud.

Thank you all you ladies that answered my question about baking soda and baking powder. I'm going to try and get my husband to go and get some barcarb soda.

I am feeling very nauseous today to the point of wretching. I've just had something small to eat and that has helped for now.
Cant believe I'm going to be 12 weeks real soon and u never know they may put me forward a few days at the scan. That's always good when they put u a bit more forward. I was put forward a whole week with DD. So I went from 12 to 13 weeks in the space of 15 mins Haha. But to be honest I really think my dates are bang on and my due date will be the 15th or 16th October. Was the 15th October at my last scan so we shall see.

Just wish the 9th wud hurry up and get here. Or on Monday they do all the measuring then that will be awesome but I still will not get my due date until the 9th. Got to see my high rish pregnancy consultant on the 9th as well I really hope I dont get a telling off for being pregnant8-[

So many appointments coming up.
1st April scan, liver doctor and blood tests
3rd April Midwife
9th April dating scan at 11:40am then back to the hospital again at 2:40pm to see the Ob/Gyn
Will check back up on everyone in a few!

Scan was so fun and cute!
NT measured 1.8
Baby measures 13w2d
Baby was opening mouth, moving and had hands all in it’s face!
Heartbeat is 151bpm so has slowed down from its normal 170s but baby also kept moving every time we tried to listen haha!
I also believe it’s a girl! We saw the cord between the legs but that was it. However I’ll need to analyze all my babies ultrasounds at this stage! This baby was the least cooperative during this ultrasound! So... nervous about how this baby will be after birth lol!

Still waiting to see doc! Here’s one pic for now

Will check back up on everyone in a few!

Scan was so fun and cute!
NT measured 1.8
Baby measures 13w2d
Baby was opening mouth, moving and had hands all in it’s face!
Heartbeat is 151bpm so has slowed down from its normal 170s but baby also kept moving every time we tried to listen haha!
I also believe it’s a girl! We saw the cord between the legs but that was it. However I’ll need to analyze all my babies ultrasounds at this stage! This baby was the least cooperative during this ultrasound! So... nervous about how this baby will be after birth lol!

Still waiting to see doc! Here’s one pic for now

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Brit can I call it. I'm saying boy I may be wrong I'm not an expert and it's a little hard to tell but I'm calling boy. What a beautiful scan pic. I so can't wait for mine now to see baby actually look like a baby and not a blob hahahaha. Congrats sweety I love it <3:blue:
I got weighed today I have lost a stone. Still sick so not keeping it down long enough for me to gain weight.. I am starting to feel better only sick once a day now so hopefully I won't gain much
Still feeling really sick today ladies. All week my sickness has been bad. Thankfully I haven't thrown up still but I feel really sick. Just have to keep eating little and often.


Here's a bump pic. I'm 11+3 going by last scan and I feel like I'm properly showing now and its not just bloat. My dress is a maternity dress from H&M was only £10 so a rite bargain. Please ignore the mattress in the back ground and the slippers hahaha. Oh and the face lol:dohh:
Congrats on all the good scan, ladies!

LNWXO - That's a cute announcement.

Demotivated - Happy early birthday!

Re: weight. Haven't really gained any yet. Cuz of my BMI, I think I should only gain 11-20lbs, so really hoping I can do that. I put on 60lbs with my son, lost about 32 and then gained all but 5 back. I've lost about 30lbs since I started back at work though.

Re: gender. I have a SneakPeek home blood test kit that I'm thinking I'll do on April 8 (my BDay) when I'll be 12 weeks.

Re:announcing. I plan to do that on Easter with a bit of a themed pic. Think "We're adding another egg to our basket."

My next scan/first trimester screening is on April 15 and then my next MW appt is April 22. So much waiting. -.-

Oh, and I made an appt for a 4D scan in August, when I'll be 31 weeks. :)

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