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October/November 2012 Babies

Looooving all these baby pics!!! We all sure made some absolutely gorgeous babies <3

We are all sick with a cold in our house :( even poor Ela bug got it so we are all sleepless crying zombies at this point :( it's nothing but stuffy runny noses low grade fevers and sore throats but I feel like I have three kiddos and hubby is no help when he doesn't feel well....I'm still sore and dealing with neck and back pain and headaches and now this cold but must be super mom...so tired!

Here are a few pics of us over this last week...






love the pics! you have such a beautiful family!
hope you guys will be on the mend and feeling great soon.
love the baby bath time fauxhawk!
Thanks MommaB-My husband is like "well we can have another one" but eventually you have to stop having babies! Lol...Every once in a while I just get sad knowing its the last time we're gonna have a 1st bath, 1st Christmas and stuff like that you know....

MommyH-Beautiful pics! I hope you all get healthy soon!

So, Lanay's checkup went well. She just had a weight check and she is up to 9lbs from her 8.6 the week before. So, back to her birth weight basically :) She's been amazing still and I still can't believe I have 3 girls! Haha...it still doesn't seem real. I'm sure when my husband goes back to work on Saturday it'll hit me when I'm all alone with them! Aaahhh! Just the thought of being on my own scares me a little...but I know I can handle it. My groin pain is better, I can get in and out of bed by myself-I'm just a little slow going...I am hoping another few days of rest it'll go away!
Just posting so I can find the new link!

Yay for all the babies!
I am very excited to write about my positive labor and delivery via induction! My doc gave me the option of being induced as I was 4cm dilated and she felt that the contractions I was having were actual contractions and not BH. She gave me a Bishop score of 9/10. On Friday, November 2 we went in for an induction at 7:30 AM.

IV was put in, forms were signed and I was all set. My doc came by to say hello and give me a run-down again of what was going to happen. She was having them start a very low dose of pitocin as she didn’t think it would take much and then two hours later, they would break my water. Things don’t always go as planned! The pitocin was started at 8:30 AM and by 9:00 I had a strong contraction. The next contraction was about five minutes later followed by an audible “POP!” My water broke on it’s own with the second contraction. That’s when things got very real!

Each contraction brought on such intense pain that I was actually trying to climb the walls. I had planned on an epidural and was not happy that I had to wait a bit. The nurse checked on my progress at 9:30 and I had went from a 4 to an 8 in a little over 30 minutes. She then had the epidural administered asap so that I could have it as she assumed things would then slow down. They didn’t.

The epidural kicked in at about 10:00 and I could feel a lot of pressure and already felt like pushing. Nurse checked and I was 9cm. The nurse then said not to push as they were going to let the baby descend for a couple of hours to make the pushing easier. By 12:00 they verified that I was fully dilated and wanted me to start pushing. I couldn’t feel much for the first 30 minutes, but as the epidural wore off, I could feel it all. After pushing for almost two hours, my doc said that the baby was doing really well and that we could get her out with one push if she did an episiotomy. That was all the threat that I needed and with the next push, Amara was here. I did have a 2nd degree tear, but the doc stitched it up fast and it hasn’t been bad.

My favorite part of the entire experience was when she came out and my doc had to yell at me to look while she was laughing and holding up my girl by the ankle to show us the cord wrapped around her ankle three times!


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Awe, Stephers! She's beautiful! I hope my induction goes as smoothly as yours (however, I hope the epidural doesn't wear off!!) Well done, mommy :)
here's a murray update!
we are doing great and he is a very happy baby!! he gained weight finally. mommy and daddy are exhausted but that's what it is all about i guess!!

here are a few pictures! he loves to vibrate which is why i included that one LOL
oh and all of our babies are so beautiful!


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We really have some adorable babies in here! :)
Here's one of all 3 of my girls and one of Lanay.
Aww Ashley your girls are so cute!! I know OH wants a son, but Im really hoping for another little lady. I have a feeling if we don't have a son next, we will be trying for a 4th child :dohh:

My LO has a clogged tear duct. This has been going on since she was born but it breaks my heart when she wakes up with her eye all swollen and crusted shut. I swear im cleaning it at least 4 times a day just to get the gunk out so she can open her eye. I hope this ends soon. Anyone else deal with this?
So sorry yu are dealing with that mommabarry :( I have no advice but I hope she gets better soon poor sweetheart :hugs:

We are fighting a cold here still...Ela seems to be getting better although she is still a little stuffed up...she has been throwing up A LOT after breast feeding and it just breaks my heart watching milk take her breath away and choke her as it shoots out of her nose and mouth :( my other daughter never had this happen so I don't really know what to do...on the bright side she is not starving by any means...SHE WEIGHS 11 POUNDS!!!!!! I can't believe she has almost doubled her birth weight at 3 weeks old...she's already growing to fast!!!!!!
Aww poor baby :nope: Hope she feels better soon. As for the throwing up my son used to do this. I hated seeing it come out hid nose. It's so scary. I hope it resolves for her sooner than later.

Yay for the gain!! I love chunky babies. Can't wait to get Morgan weighed again. She eats the same amount as her 4 months old cousin :haha:
murray and i are great! mommy needs some sleep... but don't we all!!

i really miss my husband. he is my best friend and even simple things like eating dinner together and watching our favorite shows is really missed. as soon as he gets home from work i go to bed so that he can sleep at night for work.. its been really tough and i am pretty depressed about it. dont get me wrong we knew all this would happen it will just take time to get use too. he has also cried each time leaving for work.. i just feel so bad
Hey ladies! I'd like to join you all, my baby Josalyn was born November 5. She's my first child :)
wishful-I completely understand. It is hard when you're used to life a certain way and then things get changed all at once. But, remember it won't be this way long. I remember being that way after my 2nd baby cause we got used to alone time after our first started sleeping through the night. At 3 months old she was then sleeping through the night and we had our alone time back. So, just make the most of any time you have with him. It'll get easier. :)

Hi Aimee. Congrats on your sweet baby! Is that her in your picture? If so, she's adorable!
thanks ashley! i know it will get better in time. weekends are very important now!
here are a few pics of my precious boy..
he stares at me constantly... a very alert baby :cloud9:


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Very sweet pictures wishful.

I just wanted to share a song with you ladies that really helped me through some of my rough exhausted days with my second baby. Look up: Darius Rucker's "It Won't Be Like This For Long". It is a country song and as soon as my husband heard it he told me about it. We put it on when we need that extra "pick me up" when times get hard with a new baby. :)

Oh, and I'm down 22lbs, so 10 more to go to get back to where I was pre-pregnancy #3. Still another 10 after that to get to where I was before my 1st baby which I don't know if I'll ever be that weight again. Lol.
OMG I LOVE THAT SONG ASHLEY!! DH and i listened to it the other night like 5 times in a row!

really hope you all have a great thanksgiving... my sons outfit is so cute... i'll make sure to share!
Loving all the baby pics, Ashley you have a very cute family, momma h your little girl is gorgeous and so good to see you all at home after all you went through. Wishful, you're little man is adorable and i so know what you mean about missing those simple things that you once did with your OH, me too. It's a shock to the system, a lovely one but still takes some adapting!

This is the 1st time that I've been able to sit down and send emails and have a proper look on b&b. Sophia has been massively cluster feeding, for up to 10 hours, which is exhausting, she also hates to be put down so baby sling and co sleeping is the only way to function! i'm slowly getting the hang of it, luckily OH is off until next Monday, then i think will be the real test!! But i shouldn't complain as i know so many people whose babies hardly take the breast, where as this little one has been nicknamed booby monster!!

here's some pics


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