@Mummy2Corban I'm feeling much better today, thank u for thinking of me, I think with my diabetes and being severely anemic it all just got to much yesterday but I no its all gonna be worth it, how r u? Xx
So glad ure feeling better hon. It must be so hard having diabetes and being pregnant. U know where I am if u ever want a rant hon. Pm me anytime or FB xxx
@Suggerhoney vaby boy sounds like a good weight! I wonder how much he will be when born! Will he be 8lbs!! Your bump is a beautiful bump and Looks a bit different to Tommy’s. Your looking fab. Sorry about consultant. I understand that they are busy etc but it seems so unfair to leave ladies waiting for so long! And then having such a short time to prepare. I’m hoping all goes to what you want.
@Catmumof4 so sorry your back in hospital! What a nightmare. How are you feeling now? Hopefully you’ll get your section at 37 weeks!
@Weemcb26 oh hun how worrying for you! Hopefully you’ll get some more answers tomorrow! The spotting and loss of plug defo hasn’t helped! Sending big hugs. Let us know what they have to say when you see the consultant.
@sil happy V day lovely!!! What a little cutie! I’m sorry she’s dropped on the centile line. Hopefully she will start picking up over the next few weeks. At least they are keeping an eye on and you will be seeing a specialist. Keep us updated lovely
This baby is smaller than Tommy so say.
Tommy was 6lb 13 at this stage and this baby is 4lb 15oz.
Tommy was on 98th centile and this baby is on 76th centile.
He said if I have him at 37 weeks he will be 6 and a half to 7lbs or maybe just a tad over.
But I don't know if I trust it. My bump seems so big now and I just have this horrible feeling he will be big. Esp if I have to go 38 weeks I fully expect him to be 8 to 9lbs. I've even packed some of that size baby grows just incase but I've mainly packed Tiny baby which is what Tommy was in.
Really hope he won't be big I won't be able to get him out. I've been there b4 and it was awful.
I think even if I'm feeling OK ish at my 36+4 consultant appointment' I'm still gonna say I'm struggling and can't go on any more and he will then do it at 37 weeks.
Thing is he's giving me stuff for the reflux now.
And I haven't had reflux for a day or two and I've not been itchy. I am a little but not as bad as I was.
But the itching does do this. It flairs up bad then it calms then it flairs again. So I expect it will come back full force and then I will have a bit of a leg to stand on.
I don't want it to be bad but at the same time I don't really really to be telling lies at my next appointment.
But I really really can't cope with going to 38 or anywhere near it. I don't mind 37 or 37+1 but that's it.
The midwife was very sympathetic. There is always one of the hospital midwifes there when I see the consultant and she cudnt believe the state of my skin and how sore it looks and its not even as bad as it was now.
Anyway nothing I can do now. I just have to be patient and wait.
I know I'm definitely gonna be getting my date in 4 weeks so I guess that's good and I know they can book u for induction like the next day if they have too.
Because I'm classed as high risk I kind off more priority.
I've had life saving surgery and I don't like the idea of my liver being pushed to go that far.
I will just have to tell him I'm totally done and can't go any further and hopefully he will just book me in for 37.