October/November Conkers 2021***

@Mummy2Corban i am, I like being team yellow, not overly important though which is why I think I’m going to know in the end. DP wants to know and can’t really find a reason to deny him, he assures me he will keep it to himself but I just know he will slip up somehow.
@daniyaaq i also enjoy being team yellow. I love DH telling me what baby is but I’m just curious I guess?! I would worry if one of us knew we would slip up and tell the other one!!!
I just had my early private scan they put me at 9 weeks today so forward by 2 days current EDD 17th November, NHS will confirm final due date at 12 weeks though.

Baby was all good, wiggling around and we heard the heart beat :D midwife app on Friday, and then countdown to 12 week scan is on!

Hello lovelies! Love seeing scan updates! Congrats

I had to step away from google as I made myself a bit bad last nights! Spoke to our consultant today who said we just need to wait for results next week! If baby doesn’t have DS the high HCG could raise some concerns for other things but they will be classing me as high risk and monitoring me with regular scans which was reassuring! They are going to see me once the results are in! I’ve just got to remember that baby looked ok the other day and look after myself and him as much as possible now!

I would have loved a home birth but I had to have an emergency section last time and likely now will just have to see what the hospital advise about this little one!

I was team yellow last pregnancy and LOVED it! But it is also nice knowing the gender! I feel so fiercely protective of him already which is probably mummy instincts stepping in with everything going on!

Anyone have any nice plans for the weekend?! X
@angie90 im so glad you got to speak with your consultant. At least either way you have a plan in action and they seem as though they will be keeping an eye on you and baby so I hope that brings a little comfort to you.

My DH wants to do a carboot on Sunday so we can clear out some junk and maybe go for a walk somewhere on Saturday so nothing to exciting! What about you?
Two hours until my first scan and I am driving myself insane with nerves. I was tossing and turning all night with nightmares about them not finding a baby followed by a dream where they found triplets, haha! Wish me luck ladies.
Oh I love carboots! I didn’t know they had started again! There is a huge one near us so might see if they have reopened! That’s very exciting!

We have no plans this week! Would love to get out for a pub lunch! I am so glad lockdown is slowly lifting again! Would like to get to the shops and get some maternity trousers as I’ve tried to put it off but this week I have seemed to pop!
Lovely scans ladies and good luck to those with scans today or the next few days.

So nice seeing lots of scans on here now.

My birth plan has been made for me by the consultant I'm being induced at 37 weeks and it will happen in delivery suite because I'm High risk.
I will having gas and air to start with when things get going and a epidural later on when things get bad.

Still waiting for these results and it's driving me crazy.

I just want to know if my baby is healthy I hate all this worry
@sil 3 babies! Hehe! Funny what our dreams do to us. I’m sure all is ok! Goodluck and as soon as you can let us know how it goes x

@angie90 yes our local ones started this week (we have a few on a Wednesday) my DH loves a carboot so his itching to go!!! And I’ll be glad to get rid of some of this junk!!!!

@Suggerhoney it really has been the longest few weeks for you now. Working day 3? Hopefully this time it won’t be the full wait. So your nearly at the point of only having 20 weeks left! Oh my!
@sil and @Mummy2Corban

They said it can take up too another 10 working days but because its a second draw it may come back sooner.
I feel like I've been waiting forever and pretty done with waiting now.
I hate the anxiety and the worry I just want to enjoy my pregnancy and I can't enjoy it until I know all is ok.
I'm so afraid it's gonna come back bad news.
I will be devastated but just praying my DH is right and all will be good.
@Suggerhoney it must be really difficult being in limbo. Wanting to enjoy it but having this hanging over you can’t be easy. I feel nervous enough waiting for my quad results.
My consultant also told me last week that I will be induced at 37 weeks, so very end of September again or beginning of October, I will book it for the 1st week of October, cos mazes birthday is 29th sep I wanna be home for that xx
Scan went great!!!! Baby had a heartbeat of 160. I’m measuring slightly ahead of what I thought and they put me at 8 weeks even, due November 24!

@sil lovely scan congrats!

@Suggerhoney i am really thinking of you and sending love! Hope it’s not too long now as I know this is so important to you to find out snd hoping you get the news you want! I’m always here if you want to chat as totally get your worry! X

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