May I join you ladies? I'm 33, and had a missed miscarriage (at 10 weeks) and D&C back in July. DH and I have been trying to conceive ever since, with no luck. We tried chartin, the CBFM, preseed, softcups, etc. Nothing. In December, we sought help from my OB/gyn, and after taking the 21 day progesterone test, it was determined I had low progesterone, and wasn't ovulating strongly enough. This was my first cycle on Clomid, 50 mg, on days 3-7, and it shot my progesterone up to 18.92, on 7 days after my surge!
Well, Thursday evening I got my bfp, on 13 dpo! I went in to have my first beta levels checked, and my second beta blood drawn tomorrow. We'll see if that hcg is rising sufficiently, and if it is, they'll book me for an early scan somewhere around the 7th or 8th week mark. I've got everything crossed that this will be our rainbow baby!
My due date is October 11th!
Best of luck to all of us. Let's try to hold our nerves together, and remain positive!