OH wont take suppliments what to do?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2010
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ok just been vilolently attacked by the witch, and thinking what else can we do to make this happen? last cycle we tried soft cups and conceive plus and i take folic acid and drink reen tea we have quite a balenced diet but oh smokes and likes a drink but wont take any suppliments to counteract these habbits i dont want to force him as i dont want it to become a total military mission but somthings got to give only thing i can think of doing is, he wears breifs which i read are not good for :spermy: production so im gona go and buy him some nice baggy boxers lol

any other ideas would be very much appreciated :flower:
spike him :rofl:

no really ,took my OH a while to take anything now he takes anything i put in his pill box :lol:
Maybe just buy the supplements and gently spike his morning cereal with them, only joking. maybe buy them and nicely suggest that it might be a good idea to give them a go, it sure cant hurt. thats what i suggested to my DH and he is willing but i really want him to have a SA. he keeps telling me he is going to see his dr but that appointments not made yet LOL
buy fertilaid for men in powder and put it in his :coffee: :lol:
haha thanks for the ideas we only have breakfast together on a sunday hes usually still sleeping when i leave for work i already had the spikeing in mind lol what gets me is he wont take them cos he says im not putting all that rubbish in my body all them chemicals n stuff.... well what the hell do you think the smoking and drinking is grrrrrrr he wont have a sa hes says hes fine but he always says that he thinks i would leave him if he couldnt have kids after being together for 10 years he should know me better by now stupid men aaagggghhhhhhh
My Dh had mentioned a few times that he is worried about his because he is a mechanic and works with chemicals. i think its more a worried about the results thing holding him back. Women run to the drs for their resuls and men are happier not knowing its strange
Sorry Mamma :hugs: I would totally spike him as well. Lol :devil: I'm devious though :)
Why won't he take them? Are they specifically made for fertility? That may be why he won't take them. Men are weird like that lol. If he won't take them, maybe try regular men's vitamins?
I personally don't have an issue with DF on the TTC front. He's going to get a SA done, and I already told him that I was thinking of getting some Zinc for him to take. Maybe you could ask pretty pretty please? I don't get why some men are so sketchy on SA and taking supplements when their TTC... I mean, us women do it right? We'll get poked and prodded and take whatever supplement we think will help. When DF seems to be a bit off about something that could be beneficial I just look at him and say ex: "I'm asking you to take a vitamin, that's good for you, and can help us start our family. I'm doing it, is it too much to ask you to try it out as well? :hugs:" Then I remind him how much I love him, and that no matter what I'll be here for him. :)
Why won't he take them? Are they specifically made for fertility? That may be why he won't take them. Men are weird like that lol. If he won't take them, maybe try regular men's vitamins?

he just wont take any kind of meds even when he is given anibiotics he wont even take paracetamol he would rather suffer i just suggested vitamin c or a normal multi vitamin but he wont its a good job i can cook i just give him lots of red meat, spinach, veg and the only thing i give him to drink is pure orange juice or other fruit juice and make stews with lots of types of beans and lentils and wholegrain rice but i just dont know if this is enough maby i should try to talk to him again if i get somthing we can both take he might not feel as bullied he was upset for the first time yesterday when i said af arrived as we tried so hard this time but maby now is the best time to ask???
Definitely think now's a good time. I would try the ol' explain gently tactic, you may have been holding back on everything you are going through so I would let him know exactly how much energy you are putting into TTC, what you are taking, when you are tempting what you are reading etc. Hopefully he will understand that taking a few vitamins is no biggy!

Failing that I really would slip it into his OJ! No hint of a joke there - I would spike him til the cows came home lol!

GL missy, let us know how you get on xxx
*temping - typo, sorry! (perhaps telling him how much energy you ARE putting into tempting him into BD might work also!)!
thanks i think i will have a little word hes very low at the min his dad is very sick in hospital for a while and not getting better because he refuses to take any medication and he is 82 years old so i wonder were oh gets it from ;/
I had bought fertility books and that is how I convinced dh to take supplements when we got pregnant with Megan. Once I read him little pieces of the book about how different vitamins help sperm then he was understanding how important his sperm are in this process. After our 2 miscarriages I got the book out again & we started taking the same type of things again.

When we got pregnant w/ megan I had him taking multivitamin for men, extra zinc, vit c, vit e, & vit b complex (it has folic acid & bvitamins)

When we got pregnant w/ 2 miscarriages dh was taking only multivitamin

Since miscarriage #2 he now is very willing to take anything or eat anything I tell him too - but he still likes to complain a bit - he takes multivitamin for men, fish oils, zinc, vit c,e, super b complex, coq10, and amino acids.

He wont take them unless I put each one in a little cup for him & then remind him til he takes them.

If he refuses I would make sure you are cooking as healthy as possible (which is a good idea anyway!) Fish vs fish oil (my dh wont touch fish), blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, plums, garlic, broccoli, & red peppers are all things I read are good for dh while ttc.
Vit C - any citrus, cherries (also has iron), broccoli, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, asparagus (also has folate), peas (also has beta carotene), potatoes
Eggs have vit a, b vitamins, iron
Nuts & seeds vs. chips to snack on, brown rice, bran, whole grains in general (even oatmeal if he isnt a fan of other things)
I had bought fertility books and that is how I convinced dh to take supplements when we got pregnant with Megan. Once I read him little pieces of the book about how different vitamins help sperm then he was understanding how important his sperm are in this process. After our 2 miscarriages I got the book out again & we started taking the same type of things again.

When we got pregnant w/ megan I had him taking multivitamin for men, extra zinc, vit c, vit e, & vit b complex (it has folic acid & bvitamins)

When we got pregnant w/ 2 miscarriages dh was taking only multivitamin

Since miscarriage #2 he now is very willing to take anything or eat anything I tell him too - but he still likes to complain a bit - he takes multivitamin for men, fish oils, zinc, vit c,e, super b complex, coq10, and amino acids.

He wont take them unless I put each one in a little cup for him & then remind him til he takes them.

If he refuses I would make sure you are cooking as healthy as possible (which is a good idea anyway!) Fish vs fish oil (my dh wont touch fish), blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, plums, garlic, broccoli, & red peppers are all things I read are good for dh while ttc.
Vit C - any citrus, cherries (also has iron), broccoli, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, asparagus (also has folate), peas (also has beta carotene), potatoes
Eggs have vit a, b vitamins, iron
Nuts & seeds vs. chips to snack on, brown rice, bran, whole grains in general (even oatmeal if he isnt a fan of other things)
thats the only thing that we have always done is i like to cook so when we started ttc i always made sure of cooking from scratch lots of meat fish veg brown rice fruit ect luckily he is a good eater i just wish i could counteract the smoking he only started smoking in october when his dad god very sick but he did cut out most of the drink he used to have brandy every night now its just a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend so its a start i guess x
I have the same problem with my OH so I told him that I was going to make a smoothie for him everyday to improve his diet which I spiked with maca powder. He did realise quite early so I had to own up but he agreed to keeping taking it. I think he likes the attention really. I think it was the thin end of the wedge because now he is taking his vitamins too xxx
happyshopper thats great my oh is way to stubbern :( lol

well i just brought up the subject again i just sat down with my glass of water and my vits and said why dont you take any vits?? I heard that its a great way to boost our fertility we should do thais as a team maby you should try some??? answer......... No they cause heart problems. wtf omg your giving me heart problems cos every time af comes it breaks my heart. he still refuses i think its time to become a devil and find ways of slipping somthing in only trouble is i dont know what i need to slip in ??????? I hear so many i dont know whats for what?? Any suggestions?
why wont he take them, i do not take vitamins, but my husband does since we started ttc
Put the supppliments in his dinner? LOL:devil:

My DH wont take anything either but he did agree to wear loose boxers, take cooler baths and not touch alcohol until after i Ov.


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