So, this cycle has been odd to say the least. I'm new here so not sure how to even ask, but I am pretty positive I O on the 28th, maybe 27th of Dec. About 3 or 4 days later cramping started, and alot of creamy CM, nipples sore days 5 til now, less sore today but obviously sore if juggled or out of bra, had nausea etc, then CM dried up 2 days ago, like totally dry and I thought ok, AF should be coming. Today was the day I expected it. I was laying on the couch watching TV and I felt this wetness, like I had started. A gush of it that ran down my butte and leg. It was just like water, very slightly sticky and a touch of white. WTH guys? And now I'm cramping a little. My hips hurt and my back hurts and I'm soooiki this just AF coming or what