Ok need some help with my book ;-D



Ok well some of you know me in baby club but if not......im Sam and im mum of 9 children. After lots of encouragement, im writing my pregnancy book. Basically the nitty gritty things no oe ever told us book!

But i need some input from others with some things

Ceasarians and stitches....how you coped and how you dealt with your wound....tips for caring for them

Breast feeding.....the good and bad points to it, any tips or help

Even any birth stories

If anyone is willing to send me some info then please get in touch

Either pm me on here or email me on [email protected]

Thanks Sam xx:flower:
my pregnancy & birth were fairly standard i would imagine but i would share if it helped?!

I had a son born 9th July 2010
First baby
2nd degree tear
BF for 4 months
LO had a capult (cephal hematoma) for 6 months afterwards
Hospital said i wasnt in labour and sent me home (without an exam) , waters broke on way out, I was 8cm+ by then & H was born
less than 2 hrs later.

Id help but again was quite simple

Daughter born 29.08.07
9hr labour
Tiny tear - 2 stitches
BF for 11 days (bubba wouldnt latch on and lost alot of weigh so eventually gave up)

Son born 06.04.10
4hr labour
No stitches
BF for 8 months

oohhh I will help - let me know if you would like anything from me - my stats

twins natural birth - Fynn forceps Sam breech

Induction followed by 8 hour labour from waters breaking to them arriving.

BF for 4 weeks - Fynn was in NICU for 3 weeks so expressing for him.

Mastitus abcesses surgically drained when the boys were 8 weeks

OMG that really sounds very traumatic doesnt it hehehe
I had a C section followed by a mild wound infection if you wanted to ask me any questions.
Plain and simple

First baby
Waters broke at 34.3
Kept being fobbed off, never got checked because they were convinced it was pee
Went into labour at 36.3
10hour labour in total, 3cm to 10cm in 2hours, 50mins pushing
Natural just gas and air
No stitches
Stayed in hospital for 4days
No NICU thankfully, slow, very slow feeder.
Positive home birth story in my siggy, no pain relief etc etc.... you know how I like to go on about home birth ;) xx
share mine.

dec 2 (36 + 5) went to hospital, couldn't feel contractions but had a feeling i was in labour .. they told me i was just having braxton hicks.
dec 3 i passed a blood huge blood clot
went in to hospital again, was 5-6 cm , couldn't feel my contractions still
hung out there walking about for 6 hourish
was checked again and was 8 cm, still couldnt feel contractions
had my waters broke
(then it started to hurt)
15 mins after water was broke LO was born after episiotomy and ventous delivery because his heart rate was dropping

um .. been exclusively pumping for 2 months

if you have any questions you can ask me

ETA: LO spent time in the NICU because he had a pneumothorax if you have any questions about as well :) i believe it happens to about 0.7% of babies, so kind of rare.
Looking back on photos of my baby shower, I think I'd been puffed up with pre-eclampsia since I was 20-something weeks. Wasn't picked up on until my due date when I was seen by a different MW, then I was in hosp that night, induced the next day and gave birth the next morning. Had a 14 and a half hour labour, had an epidural which made my BP drop, but the MW didn't believe I felt sick and was seeing double so she just kept boosting my epi when I was telling her not too. then I had post-partum haemmorrage (sp?)and was in theatre for 3 hours where I nearly had a hysterectomy, I became septic and had a pulse of 136 and a temp around 40 degrees c, then it took me 5 weeks to properly BF because LO wouldn't lattch. Student MWs said she wasn't hungry and then told me the wrong amount to express so she became jaundiced.
I think that about covers all my complications and nasty bits! Not going into huge detail as I'm holding LO atm, but PM me if you want to know more about anything :) x
good luck with the book :)

My birth
Twins- high bmi, gest diabetes, hyperemesis also had tachycardia and heart problems because of the pregnancy.
Born at 34 weeks emergency c section because I had pre eclampsia that went into eclampsia ( fitting etc) Poppy's heartbeat stopped. Blood pressure dropped dangerously low on the operating table. Poppy born with Inter Uterine Growth Redartion ( IUGR) stopped growing at 30 weeks. Noah had pneumonia. Babies went to different hospitals and were in SCBU for 5 weeks

C section scar got infected alot, once had an abcesss. I suffered from PTSD and PND. Alot of problems post natally. I tried to BF but because of the drugs to stop me fitting my milk never came in properly xxx
Ooooh good luck!!! I'll help if I can. here's my stats, pm me if you want to know details!!

Induction at term +13
Waters manually broken at term +14
ended in emergency c section at term +15
Wound infection found after leaving hospital
Chest infection suffered at same time!!
Formula feeding after medications prevented me breastfeeding plus pushy midwife forcing me to breastfeed
I had a planned section because LO was breech. Had high blood pressure and gestational diabetes during my pregnancy. If you want to ask me anything send me a message on facebook or something, I'd be happy to help.
Ill help anyway i can if you want

Ollie was born at 41+2
induced due to high bp
Forcep birth with epi that ended in a 3rd degree tear on g&e
1st tablet was given at 0030 ollie was born at 0850

I had hyperemises and was high risk for down syndrome (1:92) which at 24 years old was a total shock xx
You can use my story if you want, not too interesting but something different to add maybe?? 42 yo, 5 pregnancies in 8 months, 4 mcs and one perfectly healthy baby!:cloud9: Nasty placenta previa discovered at 19 weeks when I began to bleed. In and out of hospital until 32 weeks when I thought my waters had broken but turned out be blood. Wasn't allowed back out after that and was told would have to deliver via C-section at 38 weeks. Two weeks later on Christmas eve little Samantha was born via emergency C-section and spent 2 weeks in SCU (special care unit here in Oz) because she could only eat via NG tube. Weighed 5 lb 8 oz and was the biggest premmie baby in the unit! Need to know anything about the mcs or the successful pregancy just PM me, also had to give myself needles daily for three months to hold onto the baby, the things we do!!!:haha:

Good idea on the book. Don't know if mine would be of any help as I had my baby in Spain.

37+5 went to my Gynae as had some slight bleeding, was 1cm so decision made to induce.
11am - waters broken, drip put up & epidural
5pm - fully dilated, (taken from the 'dilatation room' to the delivery room) - still quite backwards over here!! (I used to be a midwife in the UK)
5.20 - following decels in the baby's heartrate after pushing, ventouse tried but no movement from baby, (even with the midwife applying fundal pressure, something no longer performed in the UK for a long time) so decision made for c-section.

Healed fine after section, just bathed without soap. Started moving as soon as I could following section as had to go & see my baby on the NNU. Also think moving ASAP is better for you.

Did end up anaemic & had a 2 unit blood transfusion & 1 unit of iron, although felt ok!!

Hope this is of some help, please message me if you would like anymore info?? [email protected]

Jayne x
Yay you're doing it! :happydance:

38+5 waters broke, within 2 hours I was 10cm, 2 hours after that baby was born, 8lbs 5.5oz, natural birth no pain relief, 3rd degree tear, lotta stitches :haha: breastfed for 2 days and then formula fed. Bout it really! :lol:
On october 7th 2010,I went over at 37 weeks to the hospital to have a NST done, babies heart rate dipped.
THey came in cause it wasnt the first time it happened. doctor came in told me i was going to have to have a c-section.
At 6 i went in for a c-section, ended up being a emergency c-section. Gracelynn was born at 6:34pm. 6lbs 9.7o 20.5in
Spent 4 days in transition nursery cause she couldnt regulate her heart rate, pulse ox and temp.
Expressed pumped for 6 weeks and switch to formula and returned back to school

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