Okay Okay I cave, I need your help!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2006
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IM HAVING A BOY!!!!! :blue:

Now I need help with a name!

Our shortlist so far is Elijah and Oscar, please tell me which you prefer and also please feel free to make suggestions. I like slightly unusual names and Boho Chic sort of names.

Please give your opionions!
Oooo, congrats!!! Another boy!! \:D/

I prefer Oscar out of the two as I like 'easy' names, and I find Elijah a bit of a mouthfull! :oops: Sorry! :oops: :lol:
i love Oscar as im not sure how to pronounce Elijah :oops: :oops:

I prefer Oscar
I felt it in my water you knew
I voted Elijah as I think it goes with Noah better, and love Eli as a shortened form :D
Elijah as in Elijah Wood the actor who played the hobit in Lord of the rings. Shortened to Eli for everyday use.

Surname is Scott BTW and will prob have Daniel as a middle name.

Any other name suggestions?
Elijah daniel scott!! thats gorge!!!
i really dont no how to say Elijah.
i love the name Luca for a boy

noah & Luca 8)

its hard with the 2nd as i like to make sure they sound nice together.

they are going to be close in age so they will more then likely be known together
I really like Elijah too, I love different names and its lovely with Noah. congrats on another little boy :)
Dionne said:
i really dont no how to say Elijah.
i love the name Luca for a boy

noah & Luca 8)

its hard with the 2nd as i like to make sure they sound nice together.

they are going to be close in age so they will more then likely be known together

Ha ha we thought about Luca, but people would think we were ER nuts, cause I got the idea for Noah after watching ER as Noah Wyle played Dr Carter.
Aaah! I cant make up my mind so i wont vote. I like Elijah, but you cant really cmoe up with a nickname from that. But Oscar is the name of our outdoor goldfish ^_^; Ah, i'll vote elijah
Cat said:
Ha ha we thought about Luca, but people would think we were ER nuts, cause I got the idea for Noah after watching ER as Noah Wyle played Dr Carter.

LMAO! :rofl: You have to be sooo careful! I bet I'll pick some dodgy old names and not realise it's some naff character off Eastenders or Corrie or something.

I voted Oscar. Hasn't Elijah got religious connertations?
i love oscar! our bearded dragon is called oscar - i think its a great name. noah and elijah are very biblical - great if your a religious family, but if your not it may cause issues in general. school wise and such?
Yes were not biblical, so its very old testament to go from Elijah and Noah. And my mum hates the name cause she said people will pick on the kid as its a very jewish name, although I think this is rubbish.

My fav name of all time is Caleb but Im having a very hard time trying to bring OH round to it, as he hates it and thinks it sounds demonic
caleb is a very common name here(as in loadsa kids are called it) i know 3 :shock: lol its a gorgeous name though i had never heard of it until i met the 3 mummies who have them!!
How about Seth, Levi or Gabriel (eh, Kina :wink: )? I love biblical names
I like Gabe but I wont steal it from Kina!

I suggested Levi but OH thinks it sounds pikey for some reason

And Seth is a great name but with our surname being Scott, Seth Scott is a bit of a tounge twister, and will end up spitting on people lol!
I'm sure i have typed this once or i may have been dreamng lol :D

Kallam ( Kay Lam)

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