Im 16+6 and the last two days I've been getting 143 so I'm thinking girl? But it seems annoyingly borderline to make a judgement on! Anyone have any experience of this?
It's not always right With DS, his first ultrasound showed a hb of 158, then the rest of his appointments it was at 143-148. This baby's first was 158 as well, the next was 154, and the last was 168. Kind of hoping the hb old wives tale is right this time! We will find out in a week.
Eeek! Good luck! Great to know its not always 100%...I still have a possible element of surprise here then!
It drives me mad not knowing but always stick to team yellow... Or, I have always done so far.... I'm scared of risking gender disappointment as I think that must be the worst, most confusing feeling so I wait for the birth and the baby in my arms
I went through gender disappointment for a few weeks after finding out what my DS was.
I guess it was because I convinced myself by gut feeling and reading up the tales that I jumped to girl.
I felt stupid for admitting I was wrong but now, I'm passed it.
Besides, surprise is always a good thing
We just found out that we are having a boy. His HR was in the high 160s at all appointments up to and including 12 weeks, and now at almost 19, he is at 144. So not true in my case! Hope that helps... xxx
Micah is very much a boy and his first hb was 180, and it stayed above 160 the entire time. This baby is most likely boy as well (confirming it on friday!) and his hb has been 160 and up. So never been true for me!
I wouldn't go by heartbeat for gender. I'm pregnant with boy/girl twins. My boy's heart rate is always consistently 150-160. My girl's heart rate is low! It ranges between 130-140, and hasn't been over 140-150 since early on. My OB told me this is just a huge myth and my twins are case in point showing that!
Had the heartbeat measured yesterday - asked the consultant about this (who had a student with her, I told the student we pregnant women always like to know ).
She said there was no truth in it whatsoever - and my odds were still 50:50!! xx
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