My hubby has a balanced translocation of the 13/14 chromasones. We have had a few mc's and we have a healthy 3 year old. Im now 8 weeks preg and awaiting cvs testing with this one at 11-13 weeks. For us the chance of patau syndrome is 25%, a carrier 50% and a child with neither is 25%, my daughter was in the 25% and is not a carrier and has healthy chromasones. It took us 2 years to get pregnant the 1st time, to loose it at 13 weeks, we didnt have the baby tested to see if it died of this as if it didnt we would have been paranoid that the next one would have it. I think you can have some sort of ivf but for us this wasnt an option becos of the finantial situation so we have just tried to get preg and if i mc then it most prob was poorley. We are lucky to have out daughter so know we are ok getting preg and carrying to term, its just that first bit upto the cvs test. If you want o chat etc private message me. x
Thanks for all that info. I'm just starting to read about all this today. Still kind of in shock. We'll have to see what the genetics person says to do, but if there's no risk of carrying a screwy embryo to term, I think we might also try the route of just to keep trying until a good one sticks. We certainly can't afford IVF either. My insurance doesn't cover it, but apparently I can get a supplemental insurance in Massachusetts that will cover it. I'd rather not go down that route, if we can help it though.
In Massachusetts the law requires your insurance to have infertility coverage, this includes IVF and PGD!!! I beleive MA is the only state that has state mandated infertility coverage.
I have a balanced trans too, and it's ALL covered.