OMG what a day!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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well started off not bad :lol:
Got ready and went to take Adele to nursery, where it all started :cry:

On the way down their was a police helecopter out and about 14 police cars outside the small village police station (most ive ever seen has been about 2 their) was talking away to the lolly pop woman who was saying something must be going on cos she seen all these police going in with armed sheilds and guns :o. went to the school and was talking to another parent who was waiting to get in too. next thing we knew the playground assistand was getting all the children inside :wacko: so i went to ask her what was going on and she said we need to get all the kids inside and keep the area clear.

So we went in and could see up to the main office 3 police men with guns!!!

i was shitting myself i didnt want to leave adele cos we didnt know what was going on. Anyway the nursery teachers took the kids in and locked the door and me and a few other mums went to the main office to find out what was going on. I was told i would be ok to go home and ring teh school in an hour to makesure everything was ok but 4 of the mums were kept inside the school because where they lived the whole streets were closed off and surropunded with armed police.

Got home and rang the school to be told that a pedophile had his mother at gun point because she found child porn on his computer and rang the police but he has been arrested and everything was ok with the school.

OMG when i rang a friend who worked with teh police she told me that the mother of this guy found child porn on his computer many months ago and he was arrested but nothing was done about it and he hadnt abused any kids so he was let go with a slap on the wrist. Then she finds the same today and rings the police straight away, shes been taken to hospital coverd in blood but no one knows if hes tried to shoot her or if hes hit her or something.

I'm just so glad they have him but ive never been so scared in my life, and it was the hardest thing ever to leave adele but as Locky said teh whole place was surrounded by armed police and the police re assured us the school would have been the safest place for her instead of me bringing her back home.

what a nightmare its been :cry::cry:

How scary!!! I hope you're feeling calmer now hun.:hugs:

On another note though, good on the mother for shopping the dirty little fecker to the police! I hope she's okay.

You poor thing and to have that on your doorstep an all

We had a perv living down road from us and he killed himself(bloody good job) do you know he went to police 8 times saying "Lock me up before I do anything" Apparently he never wnated to do these things but could not control himself FFS how bad,the police couldnt lock him up as he didnt (to their knowledge) do anything again but as out of their control they left him so he killed himself,I was pleased because if I ever see him out I spat at his feet anyway,and now it has saved me wasting my spit.

Poor adele what did you tell her?

im still shaking a little but as far as i know the mother couldnt be a nicer person, i dont know who they are because i havent lived here that long but teh family are well knowing around here supposed to be. The guy who done this sick stuff has supposivly have learning difficulties bt its still no excuse!!

I hope the mum is ok and hope she doesnt get a hrd time through this its not her fault her son done this eveil thing but i know what people can be like in small villages so i just hope she will be ok and he will be locked up
wow thats mad! good on the mum for calling the poilce!

what a horrible situation :(

omg what an ordeal! I would have been terrified!hope they lock him up now! and hope his poor other is ok xx
i just told her that their was a bad man done something naughty and the police were taking him away to punish him :dohh: what else could i tell her but all the kids walking home were saying stuff among themselvs like a man was in the school trying to kill the janitor but you knwo what kids are like bless em. Im just glad the police acted fastly and surrounded the school aswell :)
fook sake!!!! thst nuts!!! glad all is ok now tho n hes locked up!!!
If he was learning disabled then I doubt very much he would have reacted how he did,ie;the assault of his mum,most Learning dis would have thought nothing of their mums calling police as they accept basically what we say goes so if his mum said thtas wrong I am going to call police they woudl ahve been confused to what they had done was wrong or been excited about going in a police car. Most wouldnt have the nous to actually set stuff to store on a p.c esp child porn unless a third party manipulated the situation/helped.

So bad for you to go through

the scarey thing is though when you know one pedophile is about their is more than likely about at least another 1, im not sure we should be calling hima pedophile cos he hasnt done anything to any kids but i cant think of a worse naem to call him for the sick stuff hes done :cry: im dreading to find out if their is more of these people around here but at the same time i want to know especially when the scholl is 1 street away from where all this happend
:hugs: hugs weestar, what an awful day. Hope u feeling better. Its frightning not knowing where these sick ppl are.
Crikey hun just wanna give you a big :hugs: That must have been awful for you :hugs:
If he was learning disabled then I doubt very much he would have reacted how he did,ie;the assault of his mum,most Learning dis would have thought nothing of their mums calling police as they accept basically what we say goes so if his mum said thtas wrong I am going to call police they woudl ahve been confused to what they had done was wrong or been excited about going in a police car. Most wouldnt have the nous to actually set stuff to store on a p.c esp child porn unless a third party manipulated the situation/helped.

So bad for you to go through

Not strictly true.

Simular thing happened with a family I knew - He had his Mum at knife point & was violent.
:hugs: Hope you are feeling better hun! What an ordeal for you! x
OMG !!!

hope your ok, sounds like this bloke a nutter!

Glad the kids are safe though


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