On 5th round of Clomid-CD 5-anyone want to be my buddy?

Don't worry, I think we all go through that. I swear, one month we only BD'd once but yet there I was testing on CD 22 crying when it wasn't positive. When you want something so bad it's hard not to be disappointed. But take heart, clomid can take a few months to work so I'm still hoping for a BFP for you in September!
thank you. it really helped. Im sitting here at a cafe with DH. he just informed me that his brother (who already has four children) is now having another, and a pregnant woman is next to us complaining and whining because it is so hot outside. I feel like screaming at her to shut up. She has no idea how lucky she is.

And you are completely right, clomid can take awhile. Enough about me...how are you feeling? Im not sure I even asked, but when is your AF due? Sending positive thoughts!
Ugh, yes, note to self to keep my complaining to myself if I'm ever pregnant! What's the point in complaining and you can hurt someone else! Im also sorry about the brother in law, I imagine it would be even harder! None of my siblings or cousins have kids yet ... I always thought I'd be first but I'm trying to prepare myself because one of them is bound to be first (my sisters are 18 and 27 and my brother is 22)

Anyways, my AF is due the 28th or 29th.... So I'm going to test Friday. I'm still hopefull as we had a lot of BD, but it's been so long who knows? I decided if it doesn't happen this month I'm going to stop the clomid for a while and diet (this will be 6 months on it and I've gained some weight :( )

Anyways, hope you can relax with the DH this weekend, go get drunk or eat sushi or take a jacuzzi-enjoy the things you can since stupid AF showed up this month!
Hahah! I took your advice and had WAY to many glasses of wine last night. And you know what, it was completely worth it!!! Im fully prepared for AF tonight/tomorrow and feeling the side effects (crampy and bloated) but Im that much more excited for my next round of clomid

And you are so correct....I now know not WHAT to say on Facebook, to others trying, and even to friends with children...which is nothing. Im going to remember that when I think about offering up my opinion :

Hope you had a good Monday!! Keep me posted on your week! Will be thinking of you!!!!
Thanks girl! Well I hope AF is quick and over soon for you if she does come this week!

My phone interview went good I think, there were 5 people asking me questions so it was a little nerve-wracking! They aren't sure when they'll make their decision so I'm waiting now ...

I realized I said my AF was due the 28th but I looked at the calendar and it's actually due the 24th, I must be loosing it! I almost tested this morning but I said no, I will make myself wait till Friday. Now I just have to keep myself busy the next few days so I don't think about it!

Have a good one!
Hi everyone!! I just joined today and I'm still figuring this all out. I have PCOS and have been TTC for 14 months now. I'm on CD 5 and starting my first round of Clomid today. I'm also looking for a cycle buddy!
Hi Jamie! C.L and I have been sharing our experiences, she is almost done with her cycle and thinks AF is coming so she will be about a week behind you.

I am on CD 24 and hoping for a BFP this month :)

I'm sorry you've had to try for 14 months, I know how hard it is! But that's good you're starting the clomid as maybe that will do it!
Thanks! It's been tough but we keep on, keepin' on. I'm a little scared because my insurance doesn't cover anything fertility related so if Clomid doesn't work, it's going to get expensive. I'm still hopeful, though.

Good luck to you two as well! I bet the 2ww is Killing you, Arizona Gal.
Welcome JamieW11!!! Im excited to hear your experiences! Im still waiting for AF to come. I think im a couple days behind....Im feeling crampy and all the other lovely symptoms that come with this little witch! Im just ready for her to get here so I can begin Clomid round 2 in the next few days! Bring it on! :)

If it helps, my insurance didnt cover clomid and its only $17 dollars each cycle at my local Walgreens. It will definitely add up, but with all the PG Test and LH Kits ive invested in...I was actually OK with that price!

I know how hard it is not to test ArizonaGal.... Even after I got My BFN on Friday, I tested yesterday! (haha, nothing like hopeful thinking huh!?) But hang in there. Feeling any symptoms yet?? Im sure you are glad that you got the interview over with! As if not to add anymore stress to the 2WW!? Keep me posted though...as always im sending lots of positive thoughts your way, friend :)
Well, my doc wanted to do an HSG scan before giving me the Clomid but I asked if I could take the Clomid for 3 months and if nothing happens by then, I'll fork over the $1300 for the HSG. Then another 3 rounds if my tubes aren't blocked and everything is ok. It's actually on the WalMart Rx list so it's only $9 at Walmart! It's not that that I am worrying about... it's more the blood test every month, office visit, and HSG scan. I'm hoping it happens before I have to get the HSG. That would be awesome! We'll see. I've been using the combo opk and preg strips from Amazon.... I think it was $13 for 40 opk and 10 preg! I can live with that!
Thanks for the positive thoughts ladies! I had just a little spotting yesterday after working out, but it stopped so I'm still trying to remain hopeful :) as far as symptoms ive had breast tenderness, backaches, and a bit of a sore throat the past couple of days... But that could be clomid, pregnancy, pms, or a cold haha, so that doesn't help much!

And Jamie, that's good to know the HSG is around $1300, that's my next step and I had no idea what I was in for ... Hopefully I get this job promotion so we have more money for all this.

C.L did AF ever come? I'm still holding out hope for a late positive for you, you never know!!
Hey there! Its been a crazy couple days...sorry im just now posting! AF Came :( Start second round of clomid today but ready for it! Your symptoms sound promising! As always, keep me in the loop!

Im still waiting to hear if our insurance is going to cover my HSG. It was AWFUL (nothing compared to labor, but still). At least it gave us answers and put us on the right path!!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend! Baby dust to you Arizonagal!
Thanks C.L! I had a BFN this morning, but AF hasn't come yet... I'm not feeling hopeful anymore tho because of the spotting ... I'm glad you are good going into your 2nd round of clomid!

Im a little down this evening, but hopefully tomorrow will bring a more positive outlook.
Hello All! I am new to the blog. I just turned 29 couple of weeks ago. My DH and I got married two years ago and never really protected ourselves and thought "If it happens, it happened"...Unfortunately it still hasn't! So now we are giving it a very serious thought and seeking medical attention. My Dh's SA results came back good, so it's down to me I guess. I have always had irregular periods (every 2-3 months) since 15, so I don't really know when I'm ovulating. Which is probably and hopefully the only reason I am not conceiving. My blood work was good except for my progesterone level was low(0.5). I have my HSG exam scheduled for this coming Thursday (August 30th), which I'm kind of nervous about. Hopefully my tubes are open and everything looks good down there! My Doctor prescribed me Clomid and told me to take it after the HSG exam. Actually I would have to take Provera to induce my period and then start Clomid...and a progesterone cream. It all feels overwhelming at times, but hopefully I get the hang of it. I would love to hear all of your experiences with Clomid, Provera, and the progesterone cream. Good luck to all of you, may God grant your every wish and baby dust to all!!!:hugs:
Welcome Blondie and good luck to you as well! This thread has become the 29 year old TTC thread haha ;)

Well, my AF officially started today :( :( I feel sad but I've gotten used to the disappointment. I added it up and figured out this was actually my 6th month of clomid. So that's it for that ... I was thinking about going for more tests and it sounded stressful and expensive...so I've decided to wait. I'm turning 30 in 5 months and I'm going to focus on dieting and getting back in shape. Then in 5 months I'll go in for the HSG and then maybe IUI.

I really liked having someone to talk to C.L! I might be staying away from the forum but would love it if you ever wanted to talk you can PM me! I'm sure all of you ladies will have clomid success!!!
Hi all...I'm new to this forum, actually have never posted anything on any forum b4. I'm looking for a ttc/cycle buddy too. I'm 28 and my husband and I have been ttc for about 15 months with no luck. I'm currently on the very end(cycle day 32!) of my 2nd month of clomid at 100mg (previous month was 50mg) my af is due tomorrow but I'm hoping doesn't arrive! Both months on clomid I had my progesterone level checked as I did ovulate both times with a progesterone level of 33 each time so I'm happy with that. But why am I not pregnant yet?!? The opk tested positive on day 17 and hubby and I had sex every day for a week covering before and after the positive opk. I did a hpt today and was negative. I'm really getting sad...as everyone around me is having babies! We want a baby so badly...just not fair. Oh and my husband has been tested and he is all fine. I had the implanon implant in for birth control for years and had that taken out before we started trying. After I had that out I didn't get af for 6 months! Anywho long story short I'm hoping I don't get af tomorrow but my hopes aren't high. I really hope all u gals get a pos hpt asap as I wouldn't wish this misery on anyone! Anyone wanna be my ttc/clomid/cycle buddy? I need to get through this with another girl who can understand the frustration
..as my husband keeps saying don't worry so much it'll happen when it happens! Bubba dust and kisses to all xo
Hey there girls! Good to hear from both of you!

Rynie-Im 28 as well and my DH and I have been TTC for a year. I had an HSG a few months ago that indicated I have a blocked tube. DH SA turned out great, and outside of my blocked tube and lower than they would like everything checked out "ok". Im on my second round of Clomid (50mg) and hoping that September is our month!

I completely understand your feeling and frustrations. It feels like everyone around you is getting pregnant, and you are taking all these steps and still nothing. For me, I feel like a failure :( I see my husbands friends with their young babies and I want so bad to give that to him....and I cant! I hate not being able to control this! I definitely will be there anytime you need to chat. I think from what you are saying, in regards to your Clomid and Progesterone levels...your time is coming!! All of that seems positive! Hang in there! Hoping your AF doesnt come. Keep me posted!!!!!!

Blondie-Welcome!!! Im sending you lots of positive thoughts for your HSG. I would recommend taking an aspirin beforehand. It could help alleviate the discomfort. Also, try to relax. I learned that often times, due to the discomfort a tube will spasm and show blocked (hence disappointing results) when actually its not blocked at all...it was just a spasm from tension in your body! Keep me posted on your results!

And while I have heard bad things about Clomid side effects...outside of hot flashes and the occasional mood swing, mine havent been bad. Its frustrating because you dont want to have to go through so much, when it seems so many people are getting pregnant just by blinking, but I hope it is worth it for all of us! Again, hope your HSG goes smooth!!
Hi ladies!!

Welcome Rynie!

Yes, it can get kind of annoying when everyone asks me "what I'm waiting for?"....it's like come on lady, really?? And I don't find the need to explain to everyone why we don't have kids yet! It seems like every time I see my relatives, which most are pregnant right now (honestly very happy for them), they always ask me "what's going on? Hurry up, you'd make such a perfect mom" , I'm so used to it already, but it still pisses me off lolll. If I were to time when to get pregnant, which I'm very aware that things like this can't usually get planned...I would like to get pregnant around December and after. I am in the process of getting back into shape and losing all the "happy" weight I gained (50lbs). I already lost 20! Anyhow...hopefully the HSG goes well!
I am going in to give blood tomorrow to make sure I am not pregnant, as the HSG requires that prior to the exam. I will keep you ladies updated! Stay positive and good luck to all!
Hey there girls! Good to hear from both of you!

Rynie-Im 28 as well and my DH and I have been TTC for a year. I had an HSG a few months ago that indicated I have a blocked tube. DH SA turned out great, and outside of my blocked tube and lower than they would like everything checked out "ok". Im on my second round of Clomid (50mg) and hoping that September is our month!

I completely understand your feeling and frustrations. It feels like everyone around you is getting pregnant, and you are taking all these steps and still nothing. For me, I feel like a failure :( I see my husbands friends with their young babies and I want so bad to give that to him....and I cant! I hate not being able to control this! I definitely will be there anytime you need to chat. I think from what you are saying, in regards to your Clomid and Progesterone levels...your time is coming!! All of that seems positive! Hang in there! Hoping your AF doesnt come. Keep me posted!!!!!!

Blondie-Welcome!!! Im sending you lots of positive thoughts for your HSG. I would recommend taking an aspirin beforehand. It could help alleviate the discomfort. Also, try to relax. I learned that often times, due to the discomfort a tube will spasm and show blocked (hence disappointing results) when actually its not blocked at all...it was just a spasm from tension in your body! Keep me posted on your results!

And while I have heard bad things about Clomid side effects...outside of hot flashes and the occasional mood swing, mine havent been bad. Its frustrating because you dont want to have to go through so much, when it seems so many people are getting pregnant just by blinking, but I hope it is worth it for all of us! Again, hope your HSG goes smooth!!

Hi C.L
Thanks for your reply, and thanks for thinking it will happen for me soon!!! I certainly hope so! What made you think your tubes are blocked? Like is there any symtoms of that? Im starting to think thats my issue now. As clomid worked, we had alot of :sex: but still nothing! Im scared theres another problem?!?! Oh and today af came! :( Im seing my doctor tomorrow and i know she'll give me another round of clomid but increasing it to 150mg this time. Im also hoping september is our month....its all our months!!!!(hope so!)
Hi ladies!!

Welcome Rynie!

Yes, it can get kind of annoying when everyone asks me "what I'm waiting for?"....it's like come on lady, really?? And I don't find the need to explain to everyone why we don't have kids yet! It seems like every time I see my relatives, which most are pregnant right now (honestly very happy for them), they always ask me "what's going on? Hurry up, you'd make such a perfect mom" , I'm so used to it already, but it still pisses me off lolll. If I were to time when to get pregnant, which I'm very aware that things like this can't usually get planned...I would like to get pregnant around December and after. I am in the process of getting back into shape and losing all the "happy" weight I gained (50lbs). I already lost 20! Anyhow...hopefully the HSG goes well!
I am going in to give blood tomorrow to make sure I am not pregnant, as the HSG requires that prior to the exam. I will keep you ladies updated! Stay positive and good luck to all!

Hi Blondie2011 & thankyou for welcoming me! Also well done on loosing weight!!! :)
Oh i know, im angry at all the people for being pregnant but in know thats just horrible of me to think that. They are excited & have every right to be, but still doesnt stop me getting angry & jealous!!! Im actually going to my sister-in-laws baby shower this weekend which im just going to sit there and try to stop myself from crying :cry:
Well i got af today so its another month for me

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