Hi! I have been on Sprintec birth control for 2 years with no problem or serious side effects. About two weeks ago I began to feel weird. I just wasn't feeling like myself. I have been having frequent headaches, always tired, and feelings of nausea. I even found myself eating pork rinds while drinking milk one day.( I don't even like milk) Last week was the week of my period. With me being on the pill my period has always been very predictable. Coming on Tuesdays. Not this period. It came on a Wednesday and was very light for the first 2 days until the bleeding got slightly heavier but not like my normal periods and then lightened up again. I also kept having constant pain in my lower abdomen that didn't feel like my normal cramps. I took a pregnancy test Friday and the results were negative. However I am still having symptoms and I was so nauseous at work today that I began to gag but nothing came up. What could this be?