Red- beautiful video, beautiful baby. DH and I both watched it with huge smiles on our faces. You will treasure that forever.
Topanga- I had a similar experience about 3 weeks ago when we were painting the nursery. My husband was great and did most of it but I wanted to help. Then, I didn't feel her move for a little while after... I was terrified so I broke out the doppler. Sure enough, she kicked the crap out of it. It made me laugh so hard. "Momma!!! I am okay!! I promise!!!!!" What a sweet memory you have now. That's awesome.
Starry- Nice work on finding out how to take your supplements. You are crafty!!! I am so sorry you feel sick, but I also have a good feeling about this bean. Take care of yourself.
Anchor- thinking of you! you are so close!
AFM- I apologize for being quiet. About two weeks ago I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I am RIGHT on the edge of it. So the good news is, I am able to regulate it with diet and since I have started monitoring my blood sugar levels, it hasn't been over 109. The range after eating is 60-140. My fasting levels are always on the super low side of 60-95 which also means this will go away after she is born, and I don't have the hugely increased chances of getting type 2 after birth. I heard that right from my doctor and the dietician's mouth. It was a huge shock. I take good care of myself. I exercise (now more than ever) and it was just really a slap in the face. It's hard to believe I didn't do this to myself. But, I didn't. I have to believe that. Of course, I am terrified she will get too big, or something bad will happen. Sometimes in GD, there is a higher risk of still birth. But once again, I have to remember that's with insulin regulated GD which I don't have and poorly regulated GD, when I am regulating the crap out of this very VERY carefully. I just want my healthy happy baby girl. I am so scared now. I just have to tell myself (my doctor reminds me all the time) she's measured perfectly every appointment, she kicks all the time, she has seen no ill effects of this yet and if I continue to be diligent, she will not see any effects of this & her birth can be a natural one. I was just really looking forward to the end of pregnancy, being able to enjoy it and have some of the feelings of anxiousness subside, but alas, that won't be happening. It's been really, really hard.
Thank you for letting me rant.