ilovemyhusband - these early days just drag, don't they they? I'm not sure what ideas will make the time pass quicker other than finding other things to look forward to. I only have to wait for Monday to see the doctor again and this week has been just going on and on and
Urgh! More annoying people rant! On Sunday, I finally felt up to going to church again and in the women's class I am in, I was asked what I needed prayer for. So I mentioned the appointment and how I would like to hear the heart beat. lady immediate says all know-it-all-like, "I didn't hear my daughter's heart beat until I was 6 months so don't expect anything". Um, that's not what I was asking for. I just replied, "Well, let's pray that if there is a heart beat that the doctor will be able to find it. Besides, my doctor found my son's heart beat at 14 weeks and it took him 5 seconds to do that. he said it was easy."
Yeesh. I know that this woman has had a loss so you'd think she'd be more sympathetic especially since she knows I have to multiply that by 3. I just don't get why she felt the need to say that. I mean, I know it happens. My SiL had her placenta all in the front with my nephew so she wasn't able to heart beat until that point either. But still. Grrrrrr.