Many women do go on to pass the 3 hour after failing the one hour. Lots of things can go into failing the one hour. However, it is a good sign that your doc sent you to do the 3 hour, some people fail the 1 hour so badly that it's clear they have GD and there's no need for the 3 hour. My doctor was sure I would be one of those women but alas, I am not, and hey, that's okay.
Topanga- I am so sorry about failing the first test. You still have a chance of not having GD. I marginally failed both- but I am so glad I am on the diet because I have been able to keep everything under complete control. I had my growth ultrasound & appointment today. Everything with baby girl is perfect. She is in the 56th percentile for weight which is great (babies that are too small are actually more dangerous than babies that are too big) 56th percentile is right smack dab in the middle tho- which I feel great about. All her other measurements are great. I am 1 centimeter dilated and 60% effaced! Her head is way down in my pelvis too. I know it could mean nothing...but I like that progress is being made!
Like I have said before- my OB isn't treating this like a high risk pregnancy because frankly- it's not. Red is right- NO amount of sugar you could eat would give you gestational diabetes. You have absolutely no control over whether you get GD or not. None. Like I said before, I have no family history, not overweight, don't eat a lot of sugar and was already exercising during pregnancy. It is simply your placenta & hormones messing with your ability to process insulin. 110% not your fault. To be honest, now that I see the light at the end of the tunnel- I am actually thankful for this diet. I haven't gained a ton of weight, I feel great, and I have nutritional information I didn't have before. It will help my family and I to continue to be healthy in the future. I have been able to treat myself, and I know the way I have been feeding my little one has made her healthier than if I was able to eat whatever I wanted. For Thanksgiving- I can eat everything at the table. I just need to make sure I balance protein and carbs. Do I ever drive by Sonic and desperately wish I could have a milkshake? Sure. Of course I do, but I will be able to have one the second she is born! If you do have GD- you will get the hang of it, control it, and your LO will be totally 110% perfect. Both your sugars and your baby's sugars will be checked at birth and if both are normal (most of the time they are normal right after the placenta is delivered) then you both go about your lives like nothing ever happened. It's as easy as that. Even if your LO's sugars are low at birth, they give them formula and check again and 9 times outta 10 they are normal within a few hours of being born. I hope you and Left both pass the 3 hour, but if you don't, everything will be okay. I promise.
Anchor I can't wait to get a more detailed update!! She is so beautiful! I bet being a mommy is as wonderful as we've all dreamed about. I CANT WAIT. It's so friggin soon now!
ilovemyhubby I LOVE cuddling with my cats and watching movies!!! Sounds like an amazing night. I hope you start to feel better soon.
I also can't wait to have some deli meat again, I love goat cheese, salami & crackers. Or prosciutto. YUM. Definitely having some during my cheat week around Christmas! I can't wait.
I hope everyone is doing well and having a wonderful evening. xoxoxo