She's hereeeeee!!
Sloane Maria (I'm 1/4 Spanish and my Spanish Grammys mother is Maria) Kinne was born on 12/17/13 her due date at 12:29 pm. She's 21 inches long, weighed 8 lbs 3 oz at birth. It's so funny to me they lose weight right out of the womb. She's already 7 lbs 14 oz now... But I guess it makes sense! They go from getting all our food to drinking colostrum.
Anyway- Monday the 16th I woke up to a sensation of squirting discharge into my undies. I had been losing my mucus plug in huge chunks all weekend and having mild to pretty dang painful contractions two nights in a row. When I checked my underwear.. It wasn't mucus. It wasn't pee. It was pretty clear and not thick. I did for a second think "...hmmm.." But then I thought quickly... No way no way it's just discharge. Let my husband g to work even tho he was even kinda like "...Rachel.... That isn't pee..."
All day I was leaking and some of it was kinda cloudy white so I was able to discount it as discharge. I was with my mom and finally a leak wet thru my undies and unto my leggings. With texts from my husband and my mom insisting... I finally called. The nurse of course said- go get checked at the hospital you're delivering at. My husband came home and soon enough we were driving to the hospital. I was for sure thinking we would be sent home. So I was very calm. We get there- they do an fluid test and sure enough... I've been leaking water all day. They admit me. I was shocked. I was leaking the whole day and not feeling more than mild cramping! I kept convincing myself if it was fluid I'd know because labor would distinctly begin!!!
Things didn't start on their own after 2 hours... Oh yeah you guessed it! Pitocin. Around 2:45 my water sac burst open. Then things really got going. Wow. It was really, really intense. I don't know if it was way more so because if the pit- probably. But wow. At about 4:30 am I was 6 cm, having intense contractions back to back and needed rest before the big show so I got an epidural. Couldn't have asked for a better doctor to give it to me & it really took the edge off. I was able to rest from about 6-9:30. At 10:41 my epidural has almost completely warn off and it was time to push. I felt everything while pushing. For 2 hours. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. She was head down but needed to turn. When she did turn it caused her much stress but, she ended up just fine. She was born at 12:29. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed when they put her on my chest. It is by far the most beautiful experience I've ever had. My GD is completely gone- her sugars are completely controlled and she has no side effects from it whatsoever. They have stopped checking her sugars and mine. I can't express to you the incredible overwhelming since of love and joy I have for her. It's truly amazing.
I am sore from a small tear... But other than that I feel amazing. Thank you again for all the support and love. You ladies are amazing. All of you will soon hold your rainbow baby like my husband and I hold ours.
Please update me on how all of you are.. We are in the hospital until Thursday! Sorry for the long winded story!