Awww Fingers crossed for sunday for you .. backache and feeling yuky is a really good sign . with Daisy i had no idea I was pregnant till the test date came but mind you my whole pregnancy was a dream one , but this time i just knew before i even got that possitive result as i was soo tired and achy .. the drugs with the frozen transfer were different to fresh cycle and side effects had gone pre to the achy tired feeling so i just knew
clear blue digital pick up on a early pregnancy really well , i had a few tests here to do (i tested 9 days before my test date 8 days after transfer) some of the others looked like negative results but the digital picked it up
First response didn't pick my pregnancy up until 2 days after my possitives with cheap tesco own brand ones and the digital , I did about 20 tests in the first week
I go back for more bloods on sunday but i'm feeling more possitive already even though i still have pains just knowing the sac was in the womb is a relief and other than that i've no reason to belive the pregnany is failing so i'm happy , just please god let the bloods be ok