I couldn't sleep yesterday. I constantly woke up, tossed and turned in bed, then got up at 3am, made myself some lavender tea and tried to fall asleep on the couch, so that I wouldn't wake up hubby. I suffered all night. Woke up just now feeling like crap, runny nose and headache. The temp rocketed up (because of illness I guess).
I took a test and it was the same as yesterday. Very faint line, which I can easily spot without squinting. I don't get my hopes up just yet, because I still think the lines must be evaps. (But they show up within the 10 min frame). So I really don't have a clue. I shall keep testing and hope the line gets darker.
Here's the picture. I used FMU, but since I went to pee at 3:00am it wasn't really concentrated as on other days.
Your chart looks really good! Maybe it is implantation cramping. Don't lose your hope yet. I also thought I was out, but decided to wait it out until a BFP or AF to decide how to feel then... FX for you!
^^agreed, I hope you get a rise this morning! I had a lot of cramping the first few days after O. Is your bite improving? Try getting some anti histamine.
Pony-hope you'll be O soon!
Lea-Sorry you had such a crap night. I think I can see something in your test but I'm on my tablet and the picture isn't very clear. Do you have a better test you could try?
I've tested the last couple of mornings on cheapies but have got nothing. Might try a better one tomorrow just to see if I can get a faint line. Really tired tired today, been a couple of crappy nights sleep and it's wearing on me.
I've read somewhere that an opk can pick up a positive hpt in the early days because lh and hcg is very similar. A possibility! I might have to go use an opk now.
I'm testing again tomorrow morning. I'm so hoping for the line to get darker. I may take a better test and pass by for a blood test tomorrow as well. FX.
Never let an OPK and a HPT touch as the OPK turns the HPT positive! However if the OPK is positive for you now I'd say you're pregnant! LH and HCG are chemically almost identical, HCG just has an extra component - so an OPK will pick up pregnancy as well as ovulation. Congratulations mama!
Woo pos opk at last! and my temp went back up this morning by nearly .4 degrees looks like an implantation dip ha! Not getting my hopes up though!! and I see a little something on your tests Lea fingers crossed for you!! Def get a better test though!!
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