I may start to temp this next cycle if no bfp.
*had read online somewhere that the blood pressure meds my dh is on could cause infertility and I didn't know whether to believe that so I asked my doctor today and she said that normally doesn't cause infertility, it's not one of the common side effects. She said since we've only been trying for 3 months it's still early(which I knew) to have any concerns so Just keep on doing what im doing, using the opks, and having sex often. She said to give it 3 more months and if we haven't fallen pregnant to come in and they'll gladly see what's going on. She said I know 3 months can seem like a long time but it's really not. It was nice to talk to her and have some reassurance. She tested my thyroid back in may and It was fine then, so she said she'd check it again in 3 more months.