Well, I am impatiently waiting on news of a baby arrival, my cousin has been taken down to theatre as induction was making bubs heartbeat drop... waiting waiting waiting!! Nothing to report here, short AF though which was nice!
Hey Ladies!!! I am on first cycle of femara waiting to ovulate and would love to join you all!!
Sounds pretty good Carly!
Coral, I hope you'll feel a bit less stressed now.
How's the baby today Ginge?
Welcome Endless_Faith!! Nice to have more to join us.
I temp orally as its easiest when im half asleep on a morning, if you are a known mouth breather then temp vaginally, personally I have always temped orally and it has been fine for me! and good luck baby. Nothing to report here really, AF was light and odd when I am typically heavy, haven't used any sanitary protection for the last 2 days! Did a HPT but was negative as I knew it would be!