Well that is poo coral maybe your urine wasn't concentrated enough?
I have been in bed all day my husband has had to take a day off work haven't been this poorly for ages
Temp drop this morning. AF will be here tomorrow or Sat. Was really convinced this month with all the pains I was having that coincided with that nice dip at 9dpo. *sigh* Roll on cycle 5! Come on uterus...I'm not getting any younger here!!
Feeling much better today thanks Not sure when to start ov testing, it says to begin on CD10 on the leaflet that comes with the advanced digis? Ovulation anytime really so may CD10 is a good start? See if it picks up my surges!
Yea my cycles vary from about 28-34 days. It's usually 30 days give or take a day for the most part now. I think I might pay for a couple of months membership at ff. I had one when I fell pregnant with Jack but obviously I didn't need it after that!
I think it mostly compares your previous charts and symptoms. I don't think there's much else we can do. We're doing everything right, we're just not as young as we used to be!
The weather here is about my mood, wet, dark and rainy. But hey ho, onwards and upwards onto a new cycle, see how these clearblue advanced match up. I need to reread the instructions on them though!
I'm ok, having AF type cramps as we speak. I have a feeling she is on her way through the weekend. Sigh. Haven't tested again. Waiting until I'm late, if I'm late anyway.
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