Thanks ladies, i did another one later in the evening, was dark but not positive, but ive had a huge temp drop this morning,
Sorry you forget your thermometer maggs xx
Thats good hun, lets hope so, im going to see how you get on with them, i might treat myself to digis next cycle.
I think i got another positive ov test this morning xx
Poor mite has colic I think half 1 he settled and aside not knowing his cries it was fine! See more broody especially feeding on the dark haha got a solid smiley face?
I think its a false peak, means will be displayed for 2 days, going to continue with the cheapies instead until the smiley face disappears, then continue testing once it isn't displayed anymore.
Morning, quick question about my chart, which temp do i need to be higher pre o? As my temp has gone up again today but im confusing (shock ha) as what it should be, thanks ladies xxx
If it continues to climb tomorrow, you'll probably get crosshairs saying you ovulated on Saturday or Sunday. It doesn't have to be a certain temp, it just has to continue to be high and not drop again.
Your temp has to remain high for at least 3 temperatures, once it does FF will give you cross hairs! No opk this morning, 48hours of solid smiley on screen!!
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