I have to laugh a little when people give tmi warnings on these boards. I don't know, maybe it's just me but there is literally nothing I can think of ghat would be tmi at this point.
I agree with pp that I get pinches and pulls all the time, likely because I'm paying so close attention to my body and EVERYTHING that I'm feeling.
That said, ovarian twinges after sex can't be a bad thing! Fx for you!
I guess TMI just warns people: "I'm going to tell some disgusting things my body does" Other than that I believe there is no TMI... I know there are women who never check their CM or cervix position, there are even women who are disgusted by the feel of sperm in them... I don't think these women spend much time browsing forums with TMI... I like sharing my experiences and prove to myself I am not crazy and that other women go through what I do...It makes me feel I'm not alone...