Hello! Just seeing if I can get some ladies opinions. My husband and I are not ttc - we are not using any contraceptives either but being "careful" Anyway - I downloaded an app to better track my periods. This month we did the deed a few times where he let loose inside - not on, but 5ish days out from when the app said I would be ovulating. Period should've been here yesterday, and I am pretty regular. Have had sore nipples and now they are a bit itchy - not terribly normal for me. Cramping a week ago, but now nothing. Headaches and insomnia. Don't know if TMI, but what the hey: usually dry up "down there" before the period, but have discharge. Also - put chilli in crockpot this morning and almost gagged. Sorry for the lengthy post/Q but just wanted to get some thoughts on whether I am paranoid or if I need to be thinking about buying a test if aunt flow doesn't show up in the next couple of days. Thanks for any reply!