How does this work for you ladies? I'm just starting these methods, and I'm finding them frustrating (partially because I obsess!)
I've only been temping for the last few days. I am using a BBT. My previous temps were 97.24 and 97.20. However, yesterday, it dropped all the way to 96.24, and today is was 96.74. I've heard of a pre-ovulation drop, could that be it? I'm on CD 12, so I know that it's right around that time. However, my period was induced by progesterone, and I'm extremely irregular (I go years without cycles), so I feel like the chance of me having a cycle or ovulating is slim. I have been on metformin for about 8 weeks, and my last period did come while I was taking the progesterone, not after. So I'm unsure if it was from the progesterone or if it naturally occured.
Anyway, on the other hand, I've also been doing OPKs. I feel like they're giving my opposite info! A couple of days ago, I feel like my line was pretty dark (definitely lighter than the control, but still darker than usual). However, I also feel like the control was darker than usual, too. The dye in general was dark. Since yesterday, my lines have been getting fainter and fainter. Not sure if maybe I missed O, but then my temps aren't reflecting that it's come.
This is SO confusing!!!!!!!!!! Any words of wisdom when it comes to decoding temps/tests? Maybe they just aren't accurate for us PCOSers?
Thanks, friends.
I've only been temping for the last few days. I am using a BBT. My previous temps were 97.24 and 97.20. However, yesterday, it dropped all the way to 96.24, and today is was 96.74. I've heard of a pre-ovulation drop, could that be it? I'm on CD 12, so I know that it's right around that time. However, my period was induced by progesterone, and I'm extremely irregular (I go years without cycles), so I feel like the chance of me having a cycle or ovulating is slim. I have been on metformin for about 8 weeks, and my last period did come while I was taking the progesterone, not after. So I'm unsure if it was from the progesterone or if it naturally occured.
Anyway, on the other hand, I've also been doing OPKs. I feel like they're giving my opposite info! A couple of days ago, I feel like my line was pretty dark (definitely lighter than the control, but still darker than usual). However, I also feel like the control was darker than usual, too. The dye in general was dark. Since yesterday, my lines have been getting fainter and fainter. Not sure if maybe I missed O, but then my temps aren't reflecting that it's come.
This is SO confusing!!!!!!!!!! Any words of wisdom when it comes to decoding temps/tests? Maybe they just aren't accurate for us PCOSers?
Thanks, friends.