I am definitely learning that i have to chase up everything and be a pain in their arses, i can tell whenthey hear avas name they think - ugh you again lol.
So her new doctor saw her today, and agrees there is definitely something not right. In terms of her weight he said there isnt much we can do, shes not having too much milk so weve just to keep watching it. But he is concerned over her movements. Her trunk is floppy so she tends to flop forwards/sidewards, however her actual movements are very jerky. She hits herself in the face, and she tried to suck her hsnd but she cant keep her hand there as it jerks away. She also jerks backwards very suddenly. I told them about this before and they dismissed it as being part of her reflux. He said he suspects it may be some type of seizure or spasm, so has ordered an 'urgent' EEG. Hes also ordered a hearing test.
He said that there is strong suspicion that Ava was born with a genetic syndrome which is causing a lot of this, and we need the genetics appointment. He said the chromosome test she had only looked at basic stuff like her number of chromosomes, but the geneticist can look into specific chromosomes for abnormalities.
He also suspects a brain abnormality but needs the MRI results before he can confirm obviously.
He also tried using the torch on avas eyes from various angles. When he shone it at her right (the significantly smaller nerve), and at the front there was no response. When he moved to her left side she moved her eyes so i think she saw something.