I have had two c-sections, years ago (my two kids are teenagers now). I am currently pregnant with twins and will definitely have another c-section.
One was a scheduled operation, very leisurely and actually fun. The doctors and nurses were joking around, they were telling me everything that was happening. It was so easy and great!
The second one was a bit of an emergency, as I started bleeding heavily during an attempted VBAC. So it was faster, and the doctor and nurses were a little tense. But again, they told me what was happening and that calmed me down.
The worst part for me was the nausea at the start, which was really overwhelming. But the anesthesiologist injected something into my IV and it went away. When they were pushing on my belly and pulling my son out, I suddenly felt as though my blood pressure had gone up...my head was pounding. Again, something in my IV took that edge away. No problems after that at all.
The best part was hearing my babies cry. Each time it was the sweetest sound in the world.
Hopefully your c-section will be calm and leisurely. If so, may you enjoy every last second of it!