Huge congratulations they are absolutely gorgeous! Hope you don't find this offensive in anyway because it's not intended to be but considering they were nearly 7 weeks premature they were really good weights! They are just beautiful.
And hats of to you for BF not 1 but 3 babies!!! Super mum!!
huge congrats Jessa, I remember you from when I was TTC and have secretly stalked your preg journal from time to time. Your babies are absolutely beautiful well done. Hope they are home with you soon
I am so happy for you sweetheart. Your babies are adorable, I cried when I saw the pic of them all snuggled together, so so cute! Massive congrats. Hope you manage to get some sleep, I can't imagine how you manage with 3 babies! Xx
congrats on your beautiful triplets - they are so cute snuggled together and doing so well for preemies! Well done you on bfing them so far and hope they are home with you very soon.
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