I have been trying for 12 yrs and eventually i was offered HSG in May this year, results came back as inconclusive. All my blood tests are fine and nothing could be found except short cycle and LPD which my Fs wouldn't take seriously. I then had laparoscopy in August and once again nothing wrong could be found however.... i got my first ever BFP in September (i'm nearly 36) - the first month we tried after my surgery! Think it blew the cobwebs away so to speak lol Devistatingly it ended with an early miscarriage in October and we're still trying, but now with clomid (that i have had to fight like you wouldn't believe for!) but Never give up sometimes miracles do happen... i'm just hoping i get a second chance for mine xx
Don't give up! I was TTC for 4+ years, failed IVFs, 4 miscarriages. Got pregnant naturally last November and have gorgeous baby boy now. The losses and disappointments were so hard but I always had hope! My first two pregnancies were IVF. We did 2 frozen transfers that didn't work either. We decided I needed a break. Next two pregnancies were natural, but early miscarriages. I decided to just focus on myself for a while, exercising, eating well and going out and enjoying myself. Regarding TTC, I decided to ditch all the opks, charting etc and to just keep an eye out for the ewcm as the only way of knowing when my body was ovulating. The final pregnancy was a success! (So nerve-wracking though!!). I don't why and I don't know where I got HOPE, but I did and it kept me strong. I know every LTTTC situation is different and complex so hard to compare but stay strong.
Also, after my second miscarriage (12 wks) I saw a counsellor. She encouraged me to focus on planning nice things to look forward to with my husband or friends. I took this on board and planned little trips away here and there as before that we had put our lives on hold TTC which is not a good thing. I also took a break from the internet! I was reading too many TTC blogs and forums everyday which meant my mind was on TTC all the time...again, not a good thing.
i met my wonderful husband in 1999 and we tried for a family straight away
after 2 years of unsuccesful ttc we went to see a consulatant at my local hospital and was told i would never concieve as i have pcos and was too fat!!!!!!
so after having a heart attack in 2005 and been allowed to have gastric band in 2007 because of my severe asthma i lost nearly 8 stone went from size 24/26 to size 14
and the unexpected happen in may 2010 got a positive pregnancy test only for it to be taken away so cruelly at 11 weeks due to me and my dog getting attacked
after that it was like a military routine to get caught again bought the soy tablets,preseed,charting,ovulation sticks,clearblue fertility monitor you name it we had it and to be honest now looking back on it sex had become a chore x
in april 2011 we moved house and we made the decision that ttc was gonna take a back seat i wanted to make love to my husband again nnot as a chore so everything was binned i bought a couple of horses for me and hubby and spent everything on them
In april 2013 this year something really strange happened i was working days as a taxi driver and i would come home and just pass out for no reason never thought anything about it this happened for a couple of days and to be honest i just thought it was cos i had gone on days and my body clock was knackered
i made an appointment for the doctors telling them and they explained it could be early menopause or maybe a water infection so i gave them a sample on the wednesday and left it at that
wellll after 14 years of ttc as you can see from my signature the menopause was my precious son im carrying im currently 4 weeks from giving birth and i thought i would never ever see this day xxxx
i wanted to tell my story to give some of you some hope
NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as soon as me and hubby started to relax it seemed to have happened