Over 35 ttc#2 for over a year

Tested today at 8 DPO, fool! BFN of course! Will be testing every day till the witch comes now.
Fingers crossed for you MrsPhez! 8 DPO is WAY too early either way so I'm still hoping this could be your month.


My news is good - my AMH level was 19 point something, the lower end of the normal range is 21 but he said 19 is 'excellent' for my age. So it looks like i have good egg reserves.

DH's SA was also excellent - 54% of his swimmers are excellent mobility, 14% good, he had 9% morphology (not sure what this means but apparently 4% is average) and he had over 50 million of them which is great.

As the consultant put it though, 'there is no point having lots of lovely fresh salad if you get home and the fridge is broken'. So the next step - given i have quite heavy periods - is to have a hysteroscopy to check that the fridge (uterus) looks like it is working OK and there is no obvious reason why a nice fertilised embryo wouldn't want to get comfy in there.

So i'm going to have one hopefully on 4th March - need to book it in and it will be under a general - we can carry on TTC in the meantime, but if we still haven't had any luck, we would then be able to go ahead with IVF in April or May.

Consultant was lovely, like a different man to the one we have talked to previously, although it is the same guy - it is as if he finally thinks that things might not happen for us naturally but that he can help - either that or he sees he is closer to the £ signs....We came away with loads of bumf and a price list and basically he said if the hysteroscopy comes back clear we can decide either way whether to keep trying for another 6 months or go straight to IVF, and that there are no guarantees of success either way. He said after the age of 37 it can be quite common for the shell of the eggs to thicken which makes it difficult for the sperm to penetrate, but the only way to know this is by having IVF - if they are thick walls then they can do assisted hatching where the laser a window in the shell to allow the sperm to get through. Amazing really.

IVF looks like being about £5k per cycle with all the drugs.

So that's my news...!

Hinky did you decide to go to see your GP? I was thinking you should try to get a hysteroscopy. Do you have heavy periods? i always think that is such a hard question to ask as there really isn't a benchmark is there? i have no idea if my periods are any heavier than the next person's!!x
Fingers crossed for you MrsPhez! 8 DPO is WAY too early either way so I'm still hoping this could be your month.


My news is good - my AMH level was 19 point something, the lower end of the normal range is 21 but he said 19 is 'excellent' for my age. So it looks like i have good egg reserves.

DH's SA was also excellent - 54% of his swimmers are excellent mobility, 14% good, he had 9% morphology (not sure what this means but apparently 4% is average) and he had over 50 million of them which is great.

As the consultant put it though, 'there is no point having lots of lovely fresh salad if you get home and the fridge is broken'. So the next step - given i have quite heavy periods - is to have a hysteroscopy to check that the fridge (uterus) looks like it is working OK and there is no obvious reason why a nice fertilised embryo wouldn't want to get comfy in there.

So i'm going to have one hopefully on 4th March - need to book it in and it will be under a general - we can carry on TTC in the meantime, but if we still haven't had any luck, we would then be able to go ahead with IVF in April or May.

Consultant was lovely, like a different man to the one we have talked to previously, although it is the same guy - it is as if he finally thinks that things might not happen for us naturally but that he can help - either that or he sees he is closer to the £ signs....We came away with loads of bumf and a price list and basically he said if the hysteroscopy comes back clear we can decide either way whether to keep trying for another 6 months or go straight to IVF, and that there are no guarantees of success either way. He said after the age of 37 it can be quite common for the shell of the eggs to thicken which makes it difficult for the sperm to penetrate, but the only way to know this is by having IVF - if they are thick walls then they can do assisted hatching where the laser a window in the shell to allow the sperm to get through. Amazing really.

IVF looks like being about £5k per cycle with all the drugs.

So that's my news...!

Hinky did you decide to go to see your GP? I was thinking you should try to get a hysteroscopy. Do you have heavy periods? i always think that is such a hard question to ask as there really isn't a benchmark is there? i have no idea if my periods are any heavier than the next person's!!x

Ah, I am glad it went well and your consultant was nice. In the circumstances, the things you found out are pretty good news, aren't they. It sounds like you might be able to make some lovely embryos! And the other part of the jigsaw is getting looked into as well with your hysteroscopy. All really positive, I am so pleased you didn't get any nasty surprised. You must be relieved.

I must say I have wondered if there is any physical reason why my uterus might not make a good nest, especially after failed implantations following my D&C for my mmc. I sort of dismissed that idea though after the latest miscarriage as the embryo obviously implanted ok and began to grow, so I sort of thought that discounted that problem. But might be worth an intensive Google session :wacko:
Thanks HB. Today was also a BFN, ho hum.
Just hoping the B100 and Vit C will boost my LP above 10 days this time, the BFP would be a bonus of course!
hey everyone, just checking in. I just started with my usual pre-AF spotting, she is due on thursday, so I'm out for another month. and feeling really pissed off about it actually. This is the last month that could have given me a less than 3 year age gap with my son and for some reason that matters to me. I guess just because it is another mised milestone.

Anyway, my hysteroscopy is scheduled for what will likely be CD14 of my next cycle (5th March) so that will mean we don't have a chance in March, so depending on the outcome of the hysteroscopy i think i'm going to try to start IVF on my April cycle. Exciting but sad...


How's everyone doing?
Hey, Captain. It was my 3-year-gap last chance last cycle too, and I had the exact same reaction when AF arrived last week. I keep having these milestones and as they pass I sort of invent a new one, the latest is that maybe if I get pregnant soon they'll *only* be 3 school years apart instead of 4. That gives me another 8 months...

I will be thinking of you on 5th March, hope the hysteroscopy doesn't bring any new worries, and that your IVF can start in earnest. Must be good to feel like you're doing something. Sad though, like you say. If there is any justice you will get pg on first attempt and have a h&h pregnancy. I'll be wishing you all the luck in the world anyway.

I've just got back from a week in Malta with OH's family and LO. Was good to relax but flippin AF showed up the day before I went and made me feel crappy for the first few days we were there. I also 'celebrated' my 36th birthday over there. I hate birthdays, another year older just hammers it home about the biological clock ticking. OH's family are not aware of our latest loss so I could not even explain why I was not jumping for joy.

At one point, as I was gasping in horror at my FIL twirling my son around on a really high wall (little did I know the grass on the other side came nearly up to the top!!) my SIL's fiance said "oh for goodness' sakes, he is not going to put your son in any danger" and I found myself snapping "I am allowed to be over-protective, I don't have a spare one"... haha maybe I do need to chill out a bit (doesn't help that this guy has two boys with a perfect 2 year age gap).

It doesn't help either that nobody else in my family on either side has lost children or had any trouble conceiving and they all have either 2 or 3 children. There are no only children anywhere in the family. It does make me feel like a bit of a freak. My mum tries to be sympathetic, but she had all 3 children young and just doesn't know what to say or how to help.

I couldn't get an appt with the gp before the holiday and might now just wait to see the specialist at end of March, see what he says. I'm going to ask my boss if I can go back full time in Sept, so in some ways it'd be better if I didn't get pg until that was agreed. I'm hoping sod's law will kick in here and give me a baby just to make my life awkward! :haha:

Good to hear from you and awaiting the next update xxx
Hi ladies,
Feel the same about that 3 yr gap as you, my sone will be 3 next January so not long left for me now to get no. 2 in. And on Thursday I was scanned for my cyst which is still 5cm, beeding into itself and preventing me ovulating from that side. Brilliant news I think you'll agree? Sorry for the sarcasm, I'm feeling stressed and about to embark on diet to level out my hormones which means no more fun food or caffeine. If it helps though it will be worth it. Been referred to GYN and rescan in another 6 weeks.
Good luck Captain, I hope it goes well!
It's hard being a woman isn't it?
hey girls!

Thanks for your messages and for the empathy on the 3 year age gap thing. I'm kind of over that now, I figured it would be good to have my LO out of nappies before another one comes along and he is showing no signs whatsoever of being remotely bothered by having poo in his nappy all day long.

Malta sounds lovely hinky - i am trying to get a week away in July but don't want to book anything until i know what our timetable will be for IVF. Keeping my fingers crossed that sods law applies in your case too on the full time working plan! I don't blame you for snapping at your SIL's fiance. He should mind his own business. I've taken to responding to the question as to whether we are having any more children by simply saying 'we have been trying, its not working out, we will likely need help'. To which they either shut up or they ask whether DS was conceived with IVF, to which I reply no, to which they reply that they are sure once we get everything booked and stop stressing it will happen for us naturally, they had a friend who that happened to, blah blah blah. They are trying to be nice, I know, but i just want to scream 'I don't know whether stress causes infertility but i know for sure that infertility causes STRESS!!!!' and the last thing I will feel as IVF is approaching is UNSTRESSED!!!! haha

Sorry to hear about the cyst still being problematic Phez - are you on clomid or anything to help stimulate ovulation from the other side? I'm just guessing as to whether that might help, sorry if i'm misunderstanding or being naive. No fun food or caffiene sounds like a nightmare. I've been trying to drink less tea and diet coke (i hate coffee, so at least there's that) but i have failed dismally as I'm still not sleeping well and working 70 hour weeks is not really conducive with insomina!!!

Anyway, at least i got to have a little lie down today for my hysteroscopy. I am spotting a little now and had quite a lot of blood afterwards but seems to be settling down, and not in any pain. I saw the consultant afterwards and he said everything looked fine, there is nothing that he could see that could prevent pregnancy. He has taken a sample for a biopsy, not sure what he will check but good to know he's being thorough. I have had a long day as I had to be admitted at 7.15am and got gowned up and had obs straight away and was told i was towards the top of the list so should expect to be taken to theatre soon....only to wait and wait and wait! DH arrived at about 10am after dropping DS and nursery...i had the op at about 1pm in the end, which meant i was still in there at 6pm so DS had to go collect DS from nursery (half hour drive) and then come back and get me because i can't drive for 24 hours after the general anaesthetic.

Anyway - next step is to book another appointment (bye bye another £200!) to plan the IVF timetable. I'm hoping to get an appointment for late next week as I'm in Brazil with work w/c 18th March. I also have a business trip to Malawi planned in early April and want to cancel that if we can get cracking on the IVF later this month. Not quite sure what excuse I'm going to make with my client though....not as if i can offer another week in April instead!
Ah, glad to hear there were no nasty surprises after your hysteroscopy, Captain. That's rubbish that you had to wait so long for the procedure :-( I hope you've recovered ok. I really hope you are able to kick things off in April - your client will just have to wait! I am sure you can fob him off with something vaguely medical. I suppose the bigger picture, though, is that should you need more than one attempt, you'll need to work any business trips around your IVF schedule. Another extra stress to add to the mix...

I had a friend say to me that stupid thing about relaxing and 'it will probably just happen'. I don't think that really applies to recurrent miscarriages, however. And even if it did, try relaxing through a first trimester when the last four ended badly. It just isn't gonna happen!

On the potty training front, we have now done some googling (as you do!) and decided to try the 'bare-bottom' method. Over Easter weekend we will basically hole up in our (wipe-clean floor) dining room with a potty and lots of juice, and begin the harrowing process. I am not looking forward to it, and if it's anything like Operation Big Bed it will be a long road!

Sorry Mrs Phez, I totally missed your message. I am sorry to hear your cyst is causing oyu so many problems. Hope the diet is going ok, as you say if it works it will be worth it. I find with things like this though some days I just can't be bothered. I confess that I am very erratic with my pre-natal vitamins, sometimes I go days without taking them as I know I'm so unlikely to be pregnant. Not a good attitude I know, but some days I can't help it.

Well, I think I have ovulated already this cycle - ordered a load of OPKs which came on Tuesday, and think I was too late for the peak but looked like it was on the way down. Just thought I'd practice for the second half of this cycle both with OPK and temping so that by the time I get to cd1 I will have sussed out the easiest way to manage it all. Lesson learned this morning - don't leave the thermometer where LO can find it, as I woke up this morning, spotted the empty case on teh bedside table and tried to mumble to OH about helping me find it, whilst trying to neither move nor speak!! We haven't bd enough really for me to have much hope, but of course there's always that glimmer. Anyway, I won't be too upset as I'm seeing the specialist which feels like a bit of a line in the sand after which I might have a bit of renewed vigour for the whole ttc thing.

Hope everyone is well xxx
Ah, glad to hear there were no nasty surprises after your hysteroscopy, Captain. That's rubbish that you had to wait so long for the procedure :-( I hope you've recovered ok. I really hope you are able to kick things off in April - your client will just have to wait! I am sure you can fob him off with something vaguely medical. I suppose the bigger picture, though, is that should you need more than one attempt, you'll need to work any business trips around your IVF schedule. Another extra stress to add to the mix...

I had a friend say to me that stupid thing about relaxing and 'it will probably just happen'. I don't think that really applies to recurrent miscarriages, however. And even if it did, try relaxing through a first trimester when the last four ended badly. It just isn't gonna happen!

On the potty training front, we have now done some googling (as you do!) and decided to try the 'bare-bottom' method. Over Easter weekend we will basically hole up in our (wipe-clean floor) dining room with a potty and lots of juice, and begin the harrowing process. I am not looking forward to it, and if it's anything like Operation Big Bed it will be a long road!

Sorry Mrs Phez, I totally missed your message. I am sorry to hear your cyst is causing oyu so many problems. Hope the diet is going ok, as you say if it works it will be worth it. I find with things like this though some days I just can't be bothered. I confess that I am very erratic with my pre-natal vitamins, sometimes I go days without taking them as I know I'm so unlikely to be pregnant. Not a good attitude I know, but some days I can't help it.

Well, I think I have ovulated already this cycle - ordered a load of OPKs which came on Tuesday, and think I was too late for the peak but looked like it was on the way down. Just thought I'd practice for the second half of this cycle both with OPK and temping so that by the time I get to cd1 I will have sussed out the easiest way to manage it all. Lesson learned this morning - don't leave the thermometer where LO can find it, as I woke up this morning, spotted the empty case on teh bedside table and tried to mumble to OH about helping me find it, whilst trying to neither move nor speak!! We haven't bd enough really for me to have much hope, but of course there's always that glimmer. Anyway, I won't be too upset as I'm seeing the specialist which feels like a bit of a line in the sand after which I might have a bit of renewed vigour for the whole ttc thing.

Hope everyone is well xxx

Haha, we started Operation Big Boy Bed on Sunday. Not used to being yelled at 6am. Few wake ups at 3 and 5 am have shocked me too. Got him a Gro Clock which helps him see when an acceptable time to get up is (when the sun comes out). It's kinda working! And the nappies are well and truly on, showing no signs of wanting out of those yet. The words big boy do help I find!
I'm 8 dpo today, testing at the weekend. Cyst doesnt give me much grief, only emotional! Had my 21 draw done yesterday, results tomorrow.
Malawi sounds interesting Captain! I hope your IVF is successful.
Hey Mrs Phez, how did your testing go?

I'm at the consultant this evening for next steps.
Hey Mrs Phez, how did your testing go?

I'm at the consultant this evening for next steps.

Hope it went ok x

I'm on cd3 of a new cycle, have my appointment on Monday at the recurrent miscarriage clinic. Not sure what I am expecting or hoping for. From what the nurse at the epau said, I shouldn't expect much. I suppose it's another avenue explored though, whatever tests they do at least I can tick those off the list of unknowns :shrug:

So this will be cycle 3 since my latest miscarriage. Going on previous bfps the gaps between pregnancies have been 6 months (cp) then 4 months (cp) then 2 months (mmc)... so I would like to hope we might manage a bfp by the end of the summer, assuming my fertility has not dropped right off that proverbial cliff. Then it's just the small matter of getting to second tri and beyond :-/

I'm doing opks and temping this month - as a cheap alternative to my CBFM! - and we'll be trying hard to bd at the right times. So I guess I am back on the ttc rollercoaster rather than the ntnp one! I think I will also start with guaifenesin and Preseed to improve my ewcm, which I used successfully when ttc DS. I figure I need to have the best chance of conceiving as many months as possible if some of them might be unsuccessful implantations or wonky eggs...

Will let you know what happens on Monday.

BIg hugs, ladies, and have a lovely weekend xxx
Nice to hear from you hinky, you sound in PMA mode which is great. Keeping everything crossed for you xx

AFM we I'm on cd7, we are scheduled to start ivf on about 10th April assuming we don't get lucky this month. All my meds arrive next Wednesday then I have a teach-in on the injections on 8th April then will start them on CD2. I'm on a short protocol so should be through egg retrieval and transfer by end of April and in the tww early May. Exciting but daunting. We will hopefully be having a day5 blastocyst transfer of either 1 or 2 (depending on our choice, although the clinic is already suggesting 1 given the rates of pregnancy from blasto transfers are muh higher than day2-3 transfers). Big decision for us, assuming we have 2 or good quality... X I'm right on the cusp of the age threshold for declines in results so in lots of ways I'm not what they call 'younger' so we are erring on the side of 2. I could cope financially with twins and we could pay for help to look after them (although DH is contemplating a sabbatical for a couple of years too to be a SAHD). But the health risks in terms of prematurity are a big factor too.

How's everyone else doing?
Hello ladies, hope everyone is doing ok. I have just packed ds off to parents-in-law for the night, and waiting for oh to get home, so thought it was about time for a quick update...

...so the first thing to say is (how's this for excellent timing??) I got my temperature dip and positive OPK this morning, so I'm afraid poor oh is not going to know what hit him for the next 24 hours :blush: I've read up on SMEP which basically involves dtd 3 days in a row from the LH surge. Up until now we've only been dtd every other day (which I guess reduces the odds of catching the egg quite significantly), so we'll see how it goes!

I went to my recurrent miscarriage clinic appointment at the hospital. They have done lots of blood tests (thyroid function, liver function, clotting disorders, rheumatoid arthritis... the list goes on) but the results were not yet with GP when I called yesterday so I need to call back tomorrow. I also need to have another lot of tests between cd2-5 for LH, TFT, FSH, prolactine and E2 (is that estrogen?) and I understand that those are to test my overall fertility. I also had a swab for possible infections. In this sense the consultant appointment was really valuable BUT...

oh my, the woman who saw me was soooo rude. I was meant to see this male consultant who I understand is very highly regarded. I saw him consulting with another patient so I know he was there, but I got ushered through to this other woman who was just the rudest, most stupid woman I've ver encountered. I am sure she must've been a locum as she does not appear on any local hospital websites as a consultant.

First, she asked me about my successful pregnancy then about my most recent miscarriage, then said "well this is not recurrent, you've only had one!". She then wrote down wrong dates for my miscarriages and when I tried to correct her made out that I'd got it wrong. She then asked as I was getting undressed behind a curtain "do you have one of our miscarriage leaflets" and, when I answered, retorted that she'd been talking to the nurse in the room, not me, and that if I wanted miscarriage info I could always type miscarriage into Google! I could not get out of there fast enough!!

I have emailed the hospital to ask who she was. I have another follow up appt at the start of July with the original consultant, so I might ring up nearer the time and request that I see him rather than this or another locum. I guess they figure NHS beggars can't be choosers. Makes me cross though :growlmad:

More updates when I get my results back, but for now wish me luck with the fervent dtd :haha:

Captain, you're getting close now to your ivf (so are you in tww now? Any sign of a sod's law type lucky break?). How are you feeling about it all? Did you make a final decision about 1 or 2? I think that is such a hard decision to make - so many risks to weigh up :hugs:

Any news from anybody else? Or any lurkers who would like to show themselves?! :shy:
Hey! Good luck to you! Get busy! Sorry that doctor was so insensitive, beggars belief really. Hope next app is a better experience.
We got busy over a 3 day period, the 2 days leading up to and day of o. Now 4 dpo and twiddling thumbs :coffee:!
Got a repeat scan in a cople of weeks to check my cyst is still there (or not!) and an app with a gyn consultant on 1st May to talk options if it's still there (and to ask about my shortish LP if he's willing, may be cyst related?).
Anyone esle with any news?
Hey! Good luck to you! Get busy! Sorry that doctor was so insensitive, beggars belief really. Hope next app is a better experience.
We got busy over a 3 day period, the 2 days leading up to and day of o. Now 4 dpo and twiddling thumbs :coffee:!
Got a repeat scan in a cople of weeks to check my cyst is still there (or not!) and an app with a gyn consultant on 1st May to talk options if it's still there (and to ask about my shortish LP if he's willing, may be cyst related?).
Anyone esle with any news?

Hey, Mrs P, good to hear from you! Glad to hear you've been getting the job done this cycle :haha: Ummm, I hope that's not coffee I see there... are you still keeping up with that no-fun diet? I wouldn't blame you if not. Some days I would do absolutely *anything* to have another baby, and other days I just think life's too short to spend all my time thinking about it.

Is this your first scan since they said your cyst was 5cm? I have everything crossed for you that it has at least reduced in size. Do you know what the likely options would be if it comes to it?

Hope you are keeping well otherwise, and getting a bit more sleep since last time you posted! We have said goodbye to nappies over Easter weekend - eek! - which has kept my mind of ttc at least. There is nothing like the hyper-vigilance of following a small boy around with a potty (and a bag of sweets :blush:) to take your mind off everything else!
Hey! Good luck to you! Get busy! Sorry that doctor was so insensitive, beggars belief really. Hope next app is a better experience.
We got busy over a 3 day period, the 2 days leading up to and day of o. Now 4 dpo and twiddling thumbs :coffee:!
Got a repeat scan in a cople of weeks to check my cyst is still there (or not!) and an app with a gyn consultant on 1st May to talk options if it's still there (and to ask about my shortish LP if he's willing, may be cyst related?).
Anyone esle with any news?

Hey, Mrs P, good to hear from you! Glad to hear you've been getting the job done this cycle :haha: Ummm, I hope that's not coffee I see there... are you still keeping up with that no-fun diet? I wouldn't blame you if not. Some days I would do absolutely *anything* to have another baby, and other days I just think life's too short to spend all my time thinking about it.

Is this your first scan since they said your cyst was 5cm? I have everything crossed for you that it has at least reduced in size. Do you know what the likely options would be if it comes to it?

Hope you are keeping well otherwise, and getting a bit more sleep since last time you posted! We have said goodbye to nappies over Easter weekend - eek! - which has kept my mind of ttc at least. There is nothing like the hyper-vigilance of following a small boy around with a potty (and a bag of sweets :blush:) to take your mind off everything else!

Ha, I have lapsed a bit over Easter! I do allow myself one cup of coffee a day, and a cup of white tea, gorgeous.
This will be the third scan I have had on this cyst! Options are I think, leave it if it's not causing pain (dont think I'm ovulating onthat side though after last scan showed no folloicles on good side even though was CD12), go on the BCP (no chance) or have a laparascopy to remove it. But that doesnt stop them forming again. Have no idea what to do till I speak to gyn. Just hope it's disappeared...
Well done on nappy front! My boy wont go near the potty. Did a no. 2 once in there, got so scared by it he wont go near it now! Not gonna push it.
Where are you in your cycle HB?
Hey! Good luck to you! Get busy! Sorry that doctor was so insensitive, beggars belief really. Hope next app is a better experience.
We got busy over a 3 day period, the 2 days leading up to and day of o. Now 4 dpo and twiddling thumbs :coffee:!
Got a repeat scan in a cople of weeks to check my cyst is still there (or not!) and an app with a gyn consultant on 1st May to talk options if it's still there (and to ask about my shortish LP if he's willing, may be cyst related?).
Anyone esle with any news?

Hey, Mrs P, good to hear from you! Glad to hear you've been getting the job done this cycle :haha: Ummm, I hope that's not coffee I see there... are you still keeping up with that no-fun diet? I wouldn't blame you if not. Some days I would do absolutely *anything* to have another baby, and other days I just think life's too short to spend all my time thinking about it.

Is this your first scan since they said your cyst was 5cm? I have everything crossed for you that it has at least reduced in size. Do you know what the likely options would be if it comes to it?

Hope you are keeping well otherwise, and getting a bit more sleep since last time you posted! We have said goodbye to nappies over Easter weekend - eek! - which has kept my mind of ttc at least. There is nothing like the hyper-vigilance of following a small boy around with a potty (and a bag of sweets :blush:) to take your mind off everything else!

Ha, I have lapsed a bit over Easter! I do allow myself one cup of coffee a day, and a cup of white tea, gorgeous.
This will be the third scan I have had on this cyst! Options are I think, leave it if it's not causing pain (dont think I'm ovulating onthat side though after last scan showed no folloicles on good side even though was CD12), go on the BCP (no chance) or have a laparascopy to remove it. But that doesnt stop them forming again. Have no idea what to do till I speak to gyn. Just hope it's disappeared...
Well done on nappy front! My boy wont go near the potty. Did a no. 2 once in there, got so scared by it he wont go near it now! Not gonna push it.
Where are you in your cycle HB?

I'm cd16 and got my LH surge yesterday and a temp dip this morning so assuming ov would be any time now. We bd last night, again this morning and I have another booked in this evening haha! Nice to feel in control this month as I am a bit irregular and anywhere between 28 - 35 days (with a 14 day LP).

Now, I don't normally do this because of tempting fate - but I am sick of pretending fate has anything to do with it - so out of curiosity I did a due date calculator today, and going by my LMP if I got pg this month I'd be due on Christmas Day! How amazing would that be? Ifeel like it might just happen this month. Obviously be prepared to talk me round when I get severely disappointed when AF shows up in 2 weeks time, but it's a lovely dream for now :blush:

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