Hello. New here. Im on my second marriage and husband and I both are 41 and 40 (Ill be 41 in Aug). I had my first DS at 28 and my DD at 30. Hes never had any kids so immediately after our marriage we started trying. We are on our 7th cycle of trying. I believe I had a MC in February (CM). Ive had my FSH and Estradiol tests done and looks good. I had an HSG test done in May and everything is clear. My DH had sperm count done in April and it showed good sperm count but low quality.
I am currently 9 DPO and have all the implantation and early symptoms. Very moody and exhausted. Sharp ovary pain and cramping. I feel more pregnant than the rest of the cycles but trying not to get my hopes up. We cant afford IUI or IVF treatments so were hoping natural works soon. So far daily pregnancy tests show negative. I know its early but Im a chronic tester lol.
If I get a BFN and start AF this cycle again, we may just start doing cervical capping. Anyone else try this before with success?
I am currently 9 DPO and have all the implantation and early symptoms. Very moody and exhausted. Sharp ovary pain and cramping. I feel more pregnant than the rest of the cycles but trying not to get my hopes up. We cant afford IUI or IVF treatments so were hoping natural works soon. So far daily pregnancy tests show negative. I know its early but Im a chronic tester lol.
If I get a BFN and start AF this cycle again, we may just start doing cervical capping. Anyone else try this before with success?