Overdue and Anxious

I've been toying with the idea of just announcing on Instagram with either a picture I found online announcing the gender or a photo of feet or hands...I love Instagram because you can turn off comments....that makes me sound so antisocial lol! But seriously...I just know the moment it goes on Facebook there will be one idiot who writes 'welcome to never sleeping again'....I just wish you could stick a filter on some people who don't think! Lol. I know it'll put a lot of noses out of joint though so I'll probably give in and put it on Facebook the next day if i can. I'm not one to message cousins privately so that'll handle them nicely without having to hold a discussion lol :haha:

I've been to doctor this morning because ear infection came back...now I'm taking antibiotics which lasts for a week...8 a day!!! Jeeeeeesuuuus. Hopefully this time it means it'll work!

Three more sleeps until induction! Or as my husband likes to say....3 more sleeps until no more sleep haha. I don't mind him saying it ;)

I've attached the images I want to use....I think they're so damn cute


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I've been toying with the idea of just announcing on Instagram with either a picture I found online announcing the gender or a photo of feet or hands...I love Instagram because you can turn off comments....that makes me sound so antisocial lol! But seriously...I just know the moment it goes on Facebook there will be one idiot who writes 'welcome to never sleeping again'....I just wish you could stick a filter on some people who don't think! Lol. I know it'll put a lot of noses out of joint though so I'll probably give in and put it on Facebook the next day if i can. I'm not one to message cousins privately so that'll handle them nicely without having to hold a discussion lol :haha:

I've been to doctor this morning because ear infection came back...now I'm taking antibiotics which lasts for a week...8 a day!!! Jeeeeeesuuuus. Hopefully this time it means it'll work!

Three more sleeps until induction! Or as my husband likes to say....3 more sleeps until no more sleep haha. I don't mind him saying it ;)

I've attached the images I want to use....I think they're so damn cute

Hang in there! The last few weeks aren’t easy. Lucky that where you are they let you go past 40 weeks because where I live once you miss your due date, the OB automatically schedules an induction date for the following week...no hospital here let’s you go past 41 weeks and you really have to beg even at that :( when I asked my Ob why that was he said that it’s just way too dangerous after 40 weeks and that the risks increase significantly. I know this isn’t always the case as there are soooo many women on her who deliver at almost 42 perfectly healthy and all so I guess it depends on different practices. Wishing you lots of luck! Won’t be long now! And don’t worry about social media, someone will always have something to say, don’t let it affect you. The “no sleep” I honestly believe it’s temporaty, I have 3 kids and by 4 months old everyone slept full 13 hour nights (with some light sleep training ofcourse) nevertheless, having a baby doesn’t mean you won’t ever sleep again, it’s very temporary Xx
Laila thanks so much for the message because I believe you're right about sleep I just can't possibly start preaching when I have no kids about how I want it to go with no evidence...I am 41 +2 saw the midwife today but when I asked if I can wait a few extra days she said they wont let me?!!! She said they wont let anyone go past 41+5 full stop.

What they gonna do...hunt me down?!!!

Also seeing your name I instantly thought...wow I've not considered that name yet! So pretty!
It in entirely your choice to wait a few more days! Don't let anyone tell you differently. As long as you and baby seem well and there's no concerns you can refuse induction. What they should then offer are daily monitoring and/or daily scans. You don't have to be forced into anything, I really hate when I hear of people being pushed like that. Good luck and hopefully you don't have to wait much longer, and stand your ground :hugs:
Had contractions all through the night last night starting at tea time but now nothing!
Natsku I've been uncomfortable for nearly 24 hours now just feeling like I'm having a bad period...can't time it or anything just feels like a constant pain but not strong enough to be a wave or a sharp pain :(

It's feeling like this which makes me wonder if induction is the right thing!

I don't see my midwife again now so if I was to seriously consider not doing it...I guess I need to call and tell the labour ward??? She never even once suggested I could opt out...so didn't even get a chance to let myself think about it....

Anyway...husband would go mad if i suggested not going ahead lol. It could be another week if I waited...
That's how it felt for me too, like bad period pains, could feel the tightening but it wasn't clear cut enough to be able figure out when they began and ended or time them or anything. Cocodamel and a hot water bottle got me through the night though with some sleep.

I would call the labour ward and explain what you are feeling and see what they say.

I'm going to the swimming pool tonight for a last chance to swim for who knows how long (until I stop bleeding)
Natsku I think I may just give them a call tomorrow if my gut instinct gets any stronger. I still stand by that they can't physically make me go in Sunday but I don't wanna be that one awkward bugger who then looks like she doesn't care about getting baby out safely. I definitely do obviously! It's mostly a fear of induction slowing things down and causing intervention....Oh my I'd be so devastated and I know if we try for another baby in a few years I'd always look back and think induction was the wrong thing to so. Hum :(

Hope all you ladies are doing Well! Hope we have our babies in the next few days?!!!
It is 100% your choice they cannot force you to do anything. A women can go to 44 weeks I know of many that have!!! The only thing they will ask is daily monitoring so you go in they check babies movement and heart rate for an hr and do a urine test I think and if all is well they send you on your way. Just make sure you are well informed so you know your rights and whether or not they are saying oh baby is in stress we have to induced you when baby actually isn’t.
It’s more of a liability and time issue why they try and force it.
Stay strong mama. I refuse a lot during pregnancy and I am just lucky my dr and midwife are super supportive of my decisions :)
I can totally relate. Went 9 days over with dd and 4 days over with my soon who was born five weeks ago. Was so frustrating. I had convinced myself I'd be early then when I wasn't I convinced myself I'd be induced at the max I could go over. I'd had Braxton hicks for three weeks. I was absolutely convinced some nights this is it then nothing!!! The night I went into natural labour I was up till midnight. Two and a half hours later things began and he was in my arms in two hours and 40 minutes. There's no way of controlling or knowing when it will happen. Due dates are not accurate in my experience. They always put me a few days further than my last period made it and I was always late. I understand completely that there's no helpful words at the moment. Every suggestion people make can be annoying. Curry's sex pineapples raspberry tea. I don't personally believe any of that works. I remember being told to have sex by a girl I knew. My pelvis was in agony. My vag felt bruised. My stomach was massive. My back ached if I laid or sat! Heartburn all the time and a toddler that wouldn't sleep. I remember wanting to say to her how the hell do you suggest I do that lol. I was just irritated. You have my sympathy. But fact is you will have your bubs in days now. Good luck. I'd tell you to rest and keep busy but I know full well you are ready now and raring to go. Good luck xx
If you go to the NHS website you can read their guild lines, as well as information on pros and cons with both continued labour and induction. When/if you call labour and delivery and tell them your waiting anothr few days it will very rarely be met with a positive attitude, just be prepared for that xx
Was just about to write a little message but went to the loo. TMI but hurrah we have a showwww!!!! :haha:

I wouldn't say mucous...looks like the first day of a period (so sorry TMI) but yay?!!!
I dreamt last night that I had my bloody show but then I picked it up and it turned out to be a small plastic bag that must have been stuck up my vagina. Man my subconscious is weird sometimes! :haha:

Hope things are happening for you now, good luck!
Unfortunately no excitement yet!

More show...no plug? Hummm.

I'm also getting some random sharp pains 'up there' now and again when I'm moving around so I imagine I may be spending the rest of today waiting and maybe something will happen tonight before I'm induced??? Nothing to time either just some cramps. It's all very slow but it's been less than 3 hours so.

Oh I hope so!
Good luck! I’m in the uk and my son was 14 days late. He is nearly six now and then they didn’t induce until 42 weeks. He only weighed 6lbs 12oz so he wouldn’t have been ready before that. I had him an hour before I was due to arrive at the hospital for my induction. I hope one way or another you have your baby very soon.
Good luck! I’m in the uk and my son was 14 days late. He is nearly six now and then they didn’t induce until 42 weeks. He only weighed 6lbs 12oz so he wouldn’t have been ready before that. I had him an hour before I was due to arrive at the hospital for my induction. I hope one way or another you have your baby very soon.

Thank you!!! I've experienced nothing for a while now not even any cramping! This takes me back to the days waiting for my period to start or for a positive pregnancy test...yikes! The anxiety lol! :haha: tomorrow morning should be interesting I think! I'll update tomorrow especially if I'm in hospital and nothing is happening still!
So nothing occurred overnight!! This baby really does need a rude awakening! Gotta be there in an hour for the induction so if nothing happens quick I'll no doubt check in later to have a rant just to relieve any tension! Haha.

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