Oversupply or reflux or something else?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2012
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I'm a bit confused at the moment.

My daughter is nearly 6 weeks old. She feeds often - every 1.5 hours usually then maybe every 2 hours at night, sometimes 3 if I'm lucky. They are usually short feeds.

From about 5 weeks old she seemed to be in pain when she feeds and afterwards. She sometimes spits up and sometimes vomits but not every feed and no more than I think would be normal for a baby?

At the beginning of breastfeeding I have a very painful letdown (it's not as bad now as it was but still a sharp tingly feeling), sometimes my LO chokes and gags and pulls off the breast. When this happens milk often sprays out and I have to stop it with a muslin.

She is really fussy at the breast, more-so in the afternoon/evening. She pulls on and off and hits it and screams at it. And when I try to burp her she goes all tense and arches her back. She burps about half of the time but this seems to make no difference to the crying.

It seems to help feeding her lying down as I noticed when we occasionally bed share. Usually at nights she won't settle in her cot but she settles easily in our bed and there is none of the fussiness at the breast.

In the past few days her poos have become greener and really explosive. They are still exactly the same as her yellow ones with seeds but just greener.

She also seems to have had a cold since she was born. My HV says this is normal but I haven't noticed it in any other babies :shrug: She always sounds really congested and it seems to get worse at night.

She also seems to prefer to be in an upright position.

She is putting on weight fine - she was 7lbs 15.5 oz at birth and 10lbs 12 oz at 1 month. The HV and GP seem to fob me off as she is putting on weight :cry:

Anyway sorry for the long post, I'm just so confused about what this is and what I can do to alleviate some of the pain she experiences.

Can anyone shed any light on this? all the symptoms of everything seem to be the same :shrug:
Sounds exactly like my DD who has silent reflux.

Does she hiccup or sneeze much too?
Yes she does!

What do you do about it?

The HV said it wasn't reflux as she wasnt being sick all the time!
:( Silly HV.

That's what the 'silent' means. It's actually more painful than regular as the acid comes up and then goes back down so hurts them twice. :(

We went to the GP. Be pushy!

Started on Infant Gaviscon which helped a tiny bit. Then Ranitidine and now we're finally getting somewhere with Omeprazole.

Try the gav first and then work up from there as for some babies it's all they need.

Also - hold her upright for 30 mins after a feed.

Elevate the head of her bed. We have a mattress wedge.

DD would only sleep on my chest for the first 6 weeks. Then we found she'd sleep in a bouncy chair as the mattress with the wedge was still too flat.

Now she's bigger she's better in the cot but some nights she sleeps on her tummy. (Only brave enough to do this now she can lift her head and shoulders herself.)

If you google silent reflux you'll find lots. And you can always ask me anything. Xxx

As for the screaming during/after feeds the Gaviscon helped a little there but I think it's a time thing. She doesn't do that anymore at all thankfully and hasn't for a long time. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!
Thank you so much for the advice!

I think I'll just bypass the HV (she's rubbish) and go to GP. He gave us colief but doesn't seem to be working and I'm positive it's silent reflux anyway.

I'm going to try giving up dairy. I was trying to stop but it's so hard. I'm really going to try from now though. Did you try that?

I will phone GP on Monday. Thank you so much :flower:

Glad your DD seems to be getting a bit better as well. The screaming is awful!
Yes I fave up dairy and soya from 5 weeks and it seemed to help a lot.

Although I've put them back in for the last week and she seems fine so has hopefully outgrown it now. :)
Green poo can be a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. You can try and resolve this by block feeding(just feeding from on breast for a single feed, or sometimes several feeds in a row). It does sound like it could be reflux as well. Find a doctor who will help if it is, my son is in so much pain even with the medicine(he is on 15mg prevacid). I also gave up drinking milk, but can still have yogurts and cheese as it doesn't seem to affect him the same s plain milk. I'm also thinking about trying an amber necklace, just anything that will help his pain.
That's great cupcake. It's so nice to know that this stage will pass!

Thanks counting. She only usually feeds off one breast per feeding anyway. When she has one of her screaming fits though sometimes when she pulls off the first breast I put her on the other as it seems to calm her for a minute or two so I've maybe caused a fore milk/hind milk imbalance!
What does an amber necklace do?
Amber necklace is supposed to give natural pain relief when worn against the skin(some substance from the amber is released when heated to body temperature). People use them a lot for teething pain, but they can also be used for pain relief for other things, like reflux. Personally I don't know how well, if at all they work but willing to try anything.
Wow they sound cool. Anything is worth a try I would say :D

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