Overweight kids?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2009
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My 6 year old son's weight has just ballooned this summer. We moved from Chicago where summer's are much more mild, to Tennessee where 100 degree heat is the norm. He just has NO desire to go outside to play in the heat so he's been a couch potato and has really packed on the pounds. We have him on a program now where we monitor every bite that goes in his mouth, journal his food, and FORCE him to be outdoors at least 30 minutes a day...he is homeschooled this year and we would really like to use this time to get him in better physical shape so he isn't picked on and teased when he goes back to school next fall. I would appreciate any advice at all...thanks!
Could you maybe enroll him in some sort of sports/gym class?
Football/soccer or something

It must be difficult getting used to such a change in heat, I personally would not make a huge deal out of what he is eating unless he is just feasting on junk all day.

It must be hard as he is not at school so I presume doesn't have many friends yet, so has no reason to go out
I honestly don't think monitoring every bite he eats is good. It's going to make him feel self concious. I think the best thing you can do is instead of monitoring everything only offer good things, if he wants a snack then sure, he can have some fruit. Make only health foods and make his plate for him rather than letting him pile it up, once he has finished if he's still hungry let him have a bit more but maybe have him drink some water fill up a bit more with that you know? I think enrolling him in a sport would be great...soccer is coming up, I know here registration for that and fall baseball is going on.
Instead of making him feel like he is being singled out, try to do it as a family. All of you make a effort to eat better and to do more exercise, go swimming, go to the park and play football ect.
I also would disagree with monitoring every bite. That could make him really self-concious in itself. Get him out and about doing things he enjoys. Forcing him to be outside doesn't guarantee he's actually running about getting exercise. Get out with him - go on walks, swim together, maybe look into indoor gym programs for kids his age at the local recreation centre. Exercise ought to be fun, not a chore, especially for children!

Feed him healthy foods. Don't let him go hungry. Put a bowl of fruit on the table that he's allowed to help himself to anytime, but fill it with things that take a while to eat (like apples, not bananas). And with the sweets, don't cut them out, just limit them. And do the same with the rest of the family. It would be totally unfair for him to see others eating food he's not allowed to have.

Personally, I wouldn't even mention to him that he has a weight problem, for the sake of his self-esteem. I'd just take steps to help him learn better habits.
I think monitoring every bite is good. Seeing as I grew up overweight and HATED it. I do love my parents but I hate them for letting me getting and staying that way.
Trust me, in the long term, you'll be doing your son a favour!
I think monitoring what he is eating closely but not making it a deal to HIM is a good idea if his weight is at such a stage where its going to be very bad for his health. He needs to be nutritionally supported and have ALL junk cut out, there are 'treat' replacements such as sugar free jellies that can be used for desserts so he doesnt feel like hes getting nothing.
You definitely need to do stuff WITH him though, find a soccer club, find a swimming pool and take him, several times a week for proper exersise.
What about martial arts? They are great not only for exersise but also for self confidence.
Ive just noticed on another thread a few days ago you have been giving him a happy meal...what for? If you are serious about his weight then dont buy him junk food!!!!!!!!!!
I guess it was just a summer thing from the heat because now that it's cooled down I can't get him to stay inside. He wakes up and the first thing he wants to do is go outside and I about have to drag him back in. He's already dropped 10 pounds so I guess it was mostly due to not wanting to be out and about in the heat.

In reference to the happy meal, what am I supposed to say to him when his cub scout buddies go out after den meetings. "Sorry Dylan, but you're too fat to eat what they eat" I don't think so. He can have a semi healthy happy meal, he gets nuggets, apples, and milk. I'm not going to single him out and make him feel worse about himself in front of his friends.
I agree not to make him feel worse, if done in moderation I don't think it's a problem. BUT if he's gaining weight that much over jsut a few months and then dropping it that quickly that doesn't sound very healthy...it's great he's lost the weight, but I would talk to his dr, it's not normal for kids to gain that quickly and loose that quickly...just to be sure everything is ok

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